Billionaires in SPAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!  

Filed in National by on July 11, 2021

The waste and ridiculousness of the Bezos v Branson space race is revolting.  Two guys spending piles of money on a very expensive 90 minute amusement park ride while the planet burns is too awful for me to fathom.  

On the bright side (?) Stephen Colbert, host of The Late Show on CBS, is hosting the Virgin webcast. And Colbert is as anti-bullshitarian as you can find on TV these days.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    If we are going to experiment with manned space travel, I’m pleased we are using the rich as test payloads.

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    I’ll admit it. I was envious of Branson today. I wasn’t envious of his wealth but of his opportunity to see the Earth from the perspective of space and, to a lesser extent, to experience weightlessness. I’d love to experience Earth from that vantage point.