Delaware Democratic Leaders Fail Epically On L’Affaire Brady

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 21, 2021

To the point, by refusing to insist that he leave office immediately after disgracing it and himself, Democratic leaders have officially tolerated behavior they all stated they will not tolerate.

For those of you who have sworn off news, but decided to return today, here is what this hot mess of a legislator wrote:

“Is the dude basically saying, if we provide free Blowjobs for Uncle Pervie there will be few rapes and few chink broads will be shipped in CONEX containers to the Port of Wilmington??”

He meant to send this email to a pal o’ his who shared Brady’s comfort with his vernacular.  He instead sent it to a sex workers’ advocate.  Oopsies.  See ‘hot mess’ above.

The News-Journal is the only publication to carry a comprehensive story on this today.  Kudos to Natalia Alamdari.  We can only hope she sticks around for awhile.

Here are the bold responses from Democratic leaders:

“Misogynistic, anti-Asian language has no place in our Party and calls into question the integrity of any leader,” Betsy Maron, chair of the Delaware Democratic Party, said in a written statement. “No apology will rectify the fact that Representative Gerald Brady felt comfortable enough to use such hateful language behind closed doors.”

When asked if the party was calling on Brady to step down, Democratic spokeswoman Sarah Fulton said no.

There’s more:

House Democratic leaders said they were “shocked and disappointed” this week when they learned of Brady’s email, according to a letter sent to Brady on Tuesday by House Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf, House Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst, and House Majority Whip Larry Mitchell.

Like the state Democratic party, House leadership said the language “cannot be excused and will not be tolerated” by the caucus, but did not call on Brady to resign. 

Instead, as our commenter Andy C pointed out:

House leadership is directing Brady to take sensitivity training to “better understand and appreciate how deeply your words affect people.” He is also being told to reach out to local Asian American organizations to “open a dialogue” and make amends and rebuild trust with the Asian American community.

The irony of Our PAL Val Longhurst requiring someone else to ‘better understand and appreciate how deeply your words affect people’ is not lost on me. But, I digress.

The idea that this hot mess who chose to (figuratively) blow up his marriage and once threatened to jump off the roof of his house is capable of meaningful change is laughable to anyone who knows him.  Seriously, his synapses are fried.

Plus, and this is important, yes, he has insulted the Asian American community, but his utter disdain for women permeates his remarks, something that The Kop Kabal overlooks.  Perhaps because that’s part of the unwritten code on how police treat female officers?

Kids, here’s the dirty little secret at play here–at least when it comes to the House leadership:  Gerald Brady has supported them for leadership. Stop. End of story.  It’s also why they’ve done nothing to in any way punish spousal abuser Andria Viola Bennett.

That’s why I’m more disappointed in the response from the State Democratic Party.  If Erick Raser-Schramm and Jesse Chadderdon were still in charge, I think we would have seen a stronger response.

Gerald Brady will not change.  Oh, sure, he might emerge from ‘sensitivity training’ and try to read something that Drew Volturo wrote to describe his contrition. (Pro-Tip To Drew:  You’ve done great on this. However, putting multi-syllabic words in Gerald’s mouth is a dead giveaway that you wrote them. And, trust me, you don’t want him to try to read them out loud.)

Party leaders, by tolerating behavior they have said they will not tolerate, have failed to act.  Failing to call for Brady to resign is a failure. An Epic Fail.

Maybe somebody in a position to do something will demonstrate some leadership on this.  I’m not holding my breath.

State Party Chair
Betsy Maron miserably fails her first test of Party leadership[

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  1. jason330 says:

    words, words, words…

    If Democrats are tying to signal to voters that they are mere bullshit artists…these statements do that.

    If this is the best we can expect from the “leadership” then Brady must be removed in a primary.

  2. jason330 says:

    This very weak party leadership is going to be a problem.

    I’m not idly kissing Erick Raser-Schramm and Jesse Chadderdon’s asses when I say that keeping the party out of the primary process took guts and determination.

    And now we are getting a glimpse of the current leadership’s lack of guts and determination to take on the Kop Kabal.

    • Joe Connor says:

      If you liked the past couple weeks yer gonna love ’22! The paid staff at the Party might want to consider their long term prospects given the utter lack of any meaningful ethical standards in leadership.
      Would you want to be public face of the state party right now?

  3. Harold says:

    “The idea that this hot mess who chose to (figuratively) blow up his marriage and once threatened to jump off the roof of his house”

    Can we get some details here?

    • Anon says:

      Need the details. Should not throw out sensational claims without context.

    • Harold, we’ve written about this before. Here’s a taste from 2017:

      “4. Gerald Brady Is Either Not Running, Or Has a Political Death Wish. Squiring his inamorata around town while rubbing his Irish-Catholic constituents’ noses in his old-age crisis. I don’t see how he can win any more. He’s always been a phony, he just kept it from the public longer than I thought he could. The question is: Will a true progressive run for the seat? Hey, it’s Trolley Square, there should be a surplus of possibilities. Only name I’ve heard so far is Tracy Schofield, who served briefly on Wilmington City Council when Steve Martelli resigned to take a federal job. Not sure she has any progressive cred whatsoever.”

      Anyway, this is not at issue. It happened. He left the household. As to the ‘threatening to jump off the roof of his house’, there were, to put it mildly, multiple eyewitnesses.

  4. Alby says:

    One reason Democrats were swift to defenestrate Al Franken was they knew he would be replaced by a Democrat, almost certainly one less progressive than he.

    Brady would be replaced by a Democrat, but probably one more progressive than he. In both cases, the Quisling Democrats are doing what benefits them.

    Democrats love to pretend they occupy the high moral ground when they’re knee-deep in a swamp.

    • Ironically, I think the progressive cause would be better served with Brady serving out his term.

      Why? Because were Brady to resign, the district committee, which may well be less progressive than the D’s in the district (likely populated by Brady supporters), would choose his proposed successor.

      I mean, Sean Barney, anyone?

      However, Brady’s behavior violates proper norms, and I think he must resign, regardless of who takes his place.

      • Jason330 says:

        ” I think the progressive cause would be better served with Brady serving out his term.”

        I was thinking the same thing as I typed my comment. In an open and fair primary this seat almost certainly goes to a non-Kop Kabal aligned progressive.

        • puck says:

          “In an open and fair primary this seat almost certainly goes to a non-Kop Kabal aligned progressive.”

          So the incentive for Kop Kabal leadership is to defer a Brady resignation as late as possible while still avoiding an open primary. Is that possible? What are the relevant deadlines for that?

  5. Joe Connor says:

    They failed “Whitesplaining” 101 !

  6. Deldem55 says:

    Did anyone expect actual leadership from Betsy? She’s a wealthy attorney who was bored and her dad said “hey do this”

    She has zero actual leadership traits. Ever meet her? Ugh

    • Alby says:

      Who’s her dad? She looks a little old to be taking orders from Papa.

    • I’ve met her, I know her, and I like her. Which doesn’t exempt her from criticism.

      Wealthy attorney? You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

      Troll warning, troll warning, scooby dooby dooby.

      • Alby says:

        Wait, her father is John Daniello? This pretty much explains everything. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.

      • Deldem55 says:

        Oh I forgot the poor lawyers at Maron marvel are struggling to keep the lights in. Cmon now