DL Open Thread Tuesday August 10th 2021

Filed in National by on August 10, 2021

The Last Guy:

The last guy’s attempt to sabotage the infrastructure bill has been a miserable failure. Mcconnell is now Biden’s bitch.  Republicans in disarray.  Everything is dumbed down “horse race coverage” but as long as “team blue” is putting up runs …ok I guess.

“Are you betraying the Republican base?” Bartiromo asked some GOP back bencher who defied Trump

Delta V: 

Ron “Little Trump” DeSantis is waging a war on school mask mandates, and is threatening to withhold the paychecks of school board members who defy his mask ban.

How To Keep Your Child Safe From DeSantis… I mean from The Delta Variant.

Once Avoidable Climate Disasters:

In climate news…Today’s song of the day should be Carole King’s – It’s Too Late   Major U.N. climate report warns of “extreme” and “unprecedented” impacts

Funny headlines: 

Texas State Rep. Steve Toth Says Mike Lindell Is Being ‘Set Up by the Left’

…as if Lindell needs setting up.

Good Question: 

Judge asks why Capitol riot damage restitution is $1.5 million when cost to taxpayers is $500M

Tech No

Finally, I have to admit I felt a little queasy when I heard about Apple’s plan to scan phones for child porn.

Thousands sign open letter arguing against Apple plan to scan US iPhones for child sexual abuse images

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    There is a geek witticism: “The root password to the Constitution has been discovered – it’s ‘child porn’.”

  2. puck says:

    How come Coons never gets asked if he is betraying the Democratic base?

  3. BREAKING: Cuomo Announces Resignation:


    He officially will step down in 14 days. Some context:

    “The governor framed his resignation as one of political necessity given the firestorm of controversy surrounding his continued leadership, including an impeachment inquiry that he referred to as a “distraction” from pressing issues pressing the state as it recovers from the pandemic.”

    “The fallout had left Mr. Cuomo increasingly isolated: His top aide, Melissa DeRosa, resigned after concluding the governor had no path to remain in office, according to a person familiar with her thinking.

    In the end, Mr. Cuomo followed through on the advice his top advisers and onetime allies had been offering: leave office voluntarily.

    Mr. Cuomo stepped down as he faced the specter of forced removal from office through impeachment and was poised to become only the second governor to be impeached in the state’s history.”

  4. BREAKING: Senate Passes Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.

    Only a cynic would even consider the possibility that Cuomo made his announcement at the exact time the bill was passing.

    I am that cynic.