DL Open Thread Wednesday September 8th 2021

Filed in National by on September 8, 2021

Coons Scores a 9.5 and a Perfect 10 on the Impotent/Empty Rhetoric Scale

I’ve been on Twitter a little more lately, but only follow a couple of accounts.  One is written for Senator Chris Coons.  The author of these tweets has mastered relating utterly pointless pronouncements with a tone of breathless outrage.  Just check out these two winners.

The person writing Coons’ tweets called on all parties.   He called on them.  Huzzah!   I’m sure that calling on is going to have some massive impact.  But it gets better.  Just get a load of this one dealing with the Texas abortion law.

He is committed to protecting every woman’s right to make her own health care decisions from his perch in the Senate.   This made me laugh out loud.  Being opposed to nuking the filibuster,  Coons is also committed to giving Mitch McConnell veto power over all Senate business.  So his “commitment” to protecting women’s rights means exactly nothing.  zero. zilch. nada.

In other Coons news, in just a couple of days Coons will be promoting and defending glorious bipartisanship at Notre Dame University.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Horse Paste Causes Sterility:


    Y’know, there might even be more to this self-selection thingy than even I dared to hope there would be.

  2. Look who ELSE has Covid:


    The guy who led the recall effort against Cali Gov. Newsom b/c of his implementation of Covid restrictions.