BREAKING: All Of House D Leadership Calls For McGuiness To Take Leave Of Absence

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 13, 2021

Yes, even Speaker Pete, who may just be trying to scoop himself out of electoral quicksand.  Here’s the story.  Some excerpts:

A joint-statement from Delaware Senate President Pro Tempore Dave Sokola, Majority Leader Bryan Townsend, and Majority Whip Elizabeth Lockman issued Wednesday night notes the auditor plays a “paramount” role in protecting the public’s interest and safeguarding taxpayer dollars.

“For State Auditor Kathy McGuiness to be the subject of a grand jury indictment detailing official misconduct, theft, and witness intimidation is deeply troubling, particularly given her responsibilities. Put simply, those alleged actions, if true, represent a damaging abuse of office – both a criminal offense and a desecration of the oath of office,” they collectively said.

A similar statement from House leadership was also issued Wednesday night, noting the allegations lodged against the auditor are “serious.”

“If she is found guilty of the charges listed in the indictment, it would represent a breach of the public trust that would disqualify her from holding office,” said House Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf, Majority Leader Val Longhurst, and Majority Whip Larry Mitchell.

Leaders in both Houses are urging McGuiness to put the public’s interests ahead of her own and take a voluntary leave of absence until the investigation is resolved.

The statements are both fine and necessary.

But it’s not like anyone remaining in the office can step up and take charge.

Which is why this is at least a little encouraging:

The state Senate also said it’s continuing to consider its own Constitutional obligations in light of the indictment.

Obligations that perhaps have never before been tested.

The cynic in me (granted, that’s only the first 98% of me) figures, ‘hey we haven’t had an auditor seriously do their job since Dennis Greenhouse, at least.  So what’s the rush?’

However–come to think of it, there’s no ‘however’.  That sums it up.

The General Assembly leadership has made a move.  Ball’s in your court, Kathy.

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    Edit: Keep: Leave Drop: Of absence

  2. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    I just caught about 15 min of the Rick Jenson show – he’s making apologies and offering some insight into her defense:
    -Disgruntled employees out to get her
    -Political enemies in the education union out to get her
    -These are all common practices – nothing to see here
    I’ve seen it said before, trying to explain ethical behavior to people like this is like trying to explain colors to the blind.

    • Kevin Ohlandt says:

      She is up to something. I’ve seen many Republicans on Facebook defending her. Like she was “draining the swamp” or “she was going to expose things”. Her overtures with Republicans about running for Governor under that ticket seems to have turned some Republicans towards her favor. Has the Delaware Republican leadership said anything? You would think they would be chomping at the bit to lambaste her.

      If McGuiness made enemies (which she has) she did it to herself. Just like all the charges against her are based on her own actions. But she will NEVER take responsibility for her mistakes. It isn’t in her genetic make-up.