Republicans Do GOTV 24/7/365 – Democrats Do GOTV on Election Day

Filed in National by on November 3, 2021

For the GOP, everything is “Get out the Vote” .  Every lying facebook post, all the dumb anti-mask rallies,  and every policy decision.  It is all about getting the base fired up.

Democrats dither, delay and debate.  Democrats think the base will come along, because what choice do they have?  Democrats can’t acknowledge the base because they would push them off their message of obsequious compromise.   Also we nominate wishy-washy centrist who couldn’t put together an inspiring message if all the pieces were numbered and came with IKEA directions.  It makes us bad at the pace and volume of modern politics.

The Trumper won in Virginia and is close in New Jersey.  Good news for Trump.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. The Democratic Alfonse-Gaston routine in Washington pretty much guaranteed a big Rethug victory. What a fucking embarrassment.

    Only reason Manchin may not switch is b/c he’s more of an asset to the R’s as a D. Plausible deniability.

    • jason330 says:

      And yet, as impossible as it may seem, some readers will look at the VA results and see a party “stabbed in the back” by its uncouth, ungrateful base. Crazy.

  2. In fairness, it’s EASY to ‘do GOTV 24/7/365’ when you have no interest in actually governing. You just seek, and ultimately find, one wedge issue after another. Then put it into the Machinery Of Lies that you already have.

    Have I mentioned lately that even the appearance of democracy as we know it is pretty much dead? We’re fated to be governed by a cadre of desperate and heavily-armed white men. And not just the police this time.

    • jason330 says:

      There are plenty of wedge issues for a left of center party to pick up and use if it didn’t care so much about the 1%.

      Is it too late for a left of center party (I can’t call whatever is next “Democrats” because that includes collaborationists like Chris Coons and Joe Manchin) to harness the tools of populism that Republicans have learned to use so well?

      I think you are saying, it is too late. It very well may be.

      • You know what, though? We can have (all things are relative) progressive government in a state like Delaware, and we’re not that far away. We have a progressive State Senate, we have a progressive AG, a progressive NCC Chief Executive, and mostly a progressive NCC Council.

        During this cycle, we can finally flip enough seats to ensure progressive leadership in the House of Reps. Won’t be easy, but eminently doable. Coming soon: My Top 10 House primary targets.

  3. Harold says:

    Democrats fucking suck. We deserve better. And we’re running out of time real quickly.

  4. Arthur says:

    democrats dont care about governing they just want to keep their jobs. republicans dont care about governing they just want absolute power.

  5. bamboozer says:

    I’m a pessimist by nature, but there’s too much gloom and doom here. We all knew McAuliffe was weak to the point of collapse, we all know there are too many Chris Coons out there and that the Republicans have embraced Fascism and are doing well with it. But remember: Both parties are there own worst enemies and the Republicans still have Trump backing losers and are just as incompetent as the Dems. Add to that we knew Joe would be lackluster at best. As ever the problem remains better Dems that have charisma, without it there will be no more “popular” presidents in a nation where talk of civil war is growing popular.

    • jason330 says:

      If you aren’t sufficiently pessimistic yet, just listen to two minutes of “analysis” from any media outlet.

      You will hear mostly about how this election means Democrats “have to move to the right”, and eschew the demands of their demoralized base EVEN MORE in order to win back “the middle.”


  6. bamboozer says:

    The old “Move to the middle” strategy belongs to the past before the radicalization of the Republicans, in short there is no longer a “middle” to move to and no desire to move there as the Republicans, as ever, think their winning even if it burns the county down.