Witzke Needs to Be Locked Up Under DE Code Title11, § 1245A

Filed in National by on November 4, 2021
Where the FUCK is Kathleen Jennings on this?   Witzke needs to be charged and locked up…today!
So far, can find nothing re: State Police response to the Crazy Lady….however, I did find this gem –
By someone named “Herkie”, in a comment section on something called ‘nationalzero.com‘:
“First, I have always said that republicans are crazy as batshit, who needs any more evidence?
Second, it is a distinct crime in Delaware to make a false report, so if she is doing this only on social media to be….well….more batshit crazy than she already seems to be then I suppose one could call it theater, or just a seriously maladjusted personality of some depth of psychosis. But, if she made an actual report to actual state police then she has committed a class A misdemeanor or a Class G felony:
Delaware Code Title 11. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1245A. Providing a false statement to law enforcement;  class G felony;  class A misdemeanor
Current as of January 01, 2019
(1) A “statement” is any oral or written assertion and includes, but is not limited to, any oral utterance, any written document or instrument, any computer-generated document or instrument, any police report, or any representation that a person makes under circumstances evidencing an intent that such be used or knowledge that a law-enforcement officer or agency may use such as an assertion of fact.
(2) A statement is “false” when such statement contains untrue, incomplete or misleading information concerning any fact or thing material to the investigation of a crime or offense by a law-enforcement officer or agency.
(3) A statement is “material” when, regardless of its eventual use or admissibility in an official proceeding, it could have affected the course or outcome of the investigation of a crime or offense by a law-enforcement officer or agency.
(4) An “official proceeding” includes any action or proceeding conducted by or before a legally constituted judicial, administrative or other governmental agency or official, in which evidence or testimony of witnesses may properly be received.
(c) Providing a false statement to law enforcement is a class G felony if the crime or offense being investigated is a felony.
(d) Providing a false statement to law enforcement is a class A misdemeanor if the crime or offense being investigated is other than a felony.
So, if someone stole the election FOR Mr. Coons that would be a felony, therefore her attempt to instigate a state police investigation into that felony by providing false information is itself a felony.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. SussexWatcher says:

    What are you talking about?

    • jason330 says:

      What are you talking about, what am I talking about?

      • SussexWatcher says:

        You made a vague reference to Witzke and the state police but didn’t bother to explain what you’re actually talking about before going off on a rant and pasting some giant block over text.

        I’m not seeing anything in the news.

        What did she supposedly do?

        Remember that we can’t read your mind on here.

        (Are you feeling OK?)

  2. mediawatch says:

    Not guilty by reason of insanity

  3. puck says:

    Are you impugning the journalistic credibility of nationalzero.com?

    I think she just reported it to her Facebook friends who claimed to be police.

    • jason330 says:

      Her friends who pretend to be state troopers also need to be locked up then. I’m not lawyer, but I think the law frowns on that.

  4. BlueDog says:

    It’s not enough to snag her. Witzke is an airhead bimbo and deserves to be treated as such. Her policies would set women back- let her experience it. Coons should lodge a complaint against Witzke for straying from the kitchen.

  5. Al Catraz says:

    Yeah, she says a lot of things. The probability that she called the police is around zero. Honestly, how do you suppose such a conversation would go anyway?

    She said she was suing Wells Fargo over her bank account too. Never happened.

    She’s just a pathetic attention seeking liar.

    • jason330 says:

      “The probability that she called the police is around zero. Honestly, how do you suppose such a conversation would go anyway?”

      The state police should comment then.

  6. jason330 says:

    Stupid crimes.
    Poorly thought through crimes.
    Pointless crimes.
    Asinine crimes.

    Guess what? They are still crimes.