Why Corporate Democrats Hate Progressives

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 19, 2022

It’s very simple: They want all existing power structures left intact, they just want Democrats and their donors, rather than Republicans and their donors, atop the pyramid reaping the rewards.

Here’s a giveaway: Their oft-stated idea of equality is a society where anyone can reach the top. They never admit that while some few reach the top, the majority must live under the yoke for capitalism to keep stumbling along. Their program of equality is about equal opportunity to become an overseer. In theory they would be OK with chattel slavery as long as the plantation owners were Black.

The last thing they want is a society without a top. This is why they concentrate their fire on left-leaning groups that call for dismantling power structures — Bernie, BLM, doesn’t matter who it is or what the goal. They couch it as fear of alienating “moderates,” but they produce no evidence beyond their own inability to win elections, which they blame on progressives rather than their own yawn-inducing GOP-lite approach.

Corporate Democrats don’t run things nationally, but they do in Delaware, and look what they’ve done: funded the Future Underwater City at Fort DuPont. Ignored community input to dictate their own vision for Southbridge. Played footsie with landlords and polluters. How different is this from what Republicans would do? The proof that a functioning majority of the Democrats in the General Assembly would be fine with autocratic power is that they already exercise it to the extent they can.

For corporate Democrats, the real fear isn’t a future under authoritarianism/fascism — it’s one in which corporate Democrats lose their opportunity to assume the mantle.

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  1. SHAKEN OR STIRRED | ehjohnson3 | August 22, 2022
  1. bamboozer says:

    I’ve always had contempt for the famed “Anyone can grow up to be president” line as it’s perhaps the biggest lie in the world. As noted you don’t have to look long nor hard to see what this has gotten the state, the same for a Democratic party that has long been seduced by the siren song of big bucks and not “rocking the boat”. What to do? I have no answer other then to continue to do what many of us have been doing for a lifetime and speak truth to the collection of liars we call the politicians of both parties.

    • P.J. says:

      Biden proves anybody can grow up to be president. A room temperature iq combined with an inferiority complex and short fuse. Lump in his corrupt family and questionable behavior in the presence of young women, especially little girls and so much more.

      • Alby says:

        If you were familiar with this site you would know many people here would agree. Sadly, you only get a choice between a Democrat and a Republican. And because of their policies no Republican is acceptable. if they are acceptable to you you’re in the wrong place.

  2. John Kowalko says:

    Corporate Democrats in Delaware are in the process of forcing ALL State pension retirees (State, UD, DSEA, etc.) into a Medicare destroying privatizing structure called Medicare Advantage. No choices, no options, no alternatives other than to shift your health care decisions into a “for profit” private corporate business that makes more profit with more denials of treatments and procedures.
    The Delaware Way, with Carney (Secretary Geisenberger) and the Chamber of Commerce at the helm, is steering working and retired Delawareans into the abyss.
    What an effing disgrace we’ve become.

    Representative John Kowalko

  3. MediaBoy44 says:

    And some progressives work for corporate America. Should they hate themselves?

  4. Anon says:

    Accepting your dumb assumptions, the flaw in your logic is that replacing the “power structure” will eliminate a top. The top exists because the whole exists, you can’t have one without the other. In reality, it will just be another group, less productive and able, who steers the ship.

    • Alby says:

      It will eliminate this top, which is not occupied by the “productive and able” people who exist in your mind. It is occupied in large part by people who inherited their money and their place, and are running the machine to benefit themselves, not the rest of us.

      Are you one of them? If not, why do you want them protected?

  5. RE Vanella says:

    I know it’s a complicated concept, but critique of our current institutions and participating in politics attempting to change those systems are separate from individual decisions are survival.

    Seems pretty basic. But we’ve been conditioned to believe in individual achievement and individual failure.

    So people say very fucking dumb shit like… oh… you want Medicare for All yet you use Aenta Healthcare. That’s confusing…

  6. Alby says:

    The trolls really came out for this one. You can always tell when they’re butt sore.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    I thought I explained this. It’s not an oxymoron. It’s a contradiction inherent to capitalism. Read a book, maybe.

    Or keep getting embarrassed by Al, whatever.

  8. Alby says:

    It’s always a tell when the anti-progressives get this stirred up.

    They prove my point: Those sucking the corporate teat will protect it as if it were their mom.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    Buy Hal Weitzman’s book.