Biden’s Dilemma

Filed in National by on November 16, 2021

He ran as the sensible moderate who, even in the age of unbreakable, unreasonable, recalcitrant Republicanism,  could “bring people together.”   The unreasonable, recalcitrant Republicans have called bullshit on that plan, so Biden can either renounce this key campaign promise, or make pretend that Susan Collins,  Mitt Romney, Bill Cassidy, Lisa Murkowski,  Shelley Moore Capito attending a White House signing ceremony means that he is “bring people together.”

I’d bet the farm that the Biden braintrust goes with “let’s make pretend” as a strategy.

And I get it.   Calling out Republicans for what they are and charting a bold, aggressive new course of direct confrontation would be akin to admitting that his political life up until now is a bit of a scam.   You can’t blame him for not having the guts to renounce his entire political identity, who could possibly do that?

Sure.  That sucks for the country, but there you have it.




About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    The problem with a Democrat claiming he can convince Republicans to be reasonable is that all Republicans have to do to foil the plan is to be unreasonable, which comes to them more easily than breathing does to Democrats.

    Such Democrats are basically saying, “I can get them to give in.” Yeah, right. Nothing threatens toxic masculinity more than appearing weak or conciliatory, so the message Republicans hear is, “I’m going to cut off your nuts and everybody’s going to see how weak you are.” Yeah, that ought to work.

    • john kowalko says:

      The trouble with that reasoning is that it’s Sinema and Manchin (DEMOCRATS) who are being unreasonable and quite frankly threatening to our nation. These two pathetic excuses for humans should be renounced and removed from the Democratic Party, removed from all committee assignments and denied access to any funding for their districts and any funding for their campaigns. Forfeiting the majority in the Senate can be addressed with that beloved filibuster mechanism and gridlock is better than what those sick Trumpers and “freedom caucuses” will ever offer.
      Representative John Kowalko

      • Lower Taxes for All says:

        Threatening to our nation??? You Sir are a crazy Liberal.

        • jason330 says:

          Lower taxes for all? How is Bezos going to pay less than zero? Oh wait, we can pay him a subsidy for being so rich.

        • john kowalko says:

          “You Sir” are an “Idiot” if you think that Manchin’s love for coal and the fossil fuel industry is not aiding and abetting an acceleration of climate change that threatens our nation and the world. “You Sir” are a remarkably “Stupid” conspiracy theorist who probably thinks that Trump and those lowlifes he inspires are not threats to our democracy and nation. Manchin and Sinema are enablers and abetters of all of you “right-wing” QAnon cultists who think some tax cut in their pocket today will save their children and grandchildren’s future. Don’t miss your next opportunity to board Hale-Bopp and bon voyage.
          Representative John Kowalko

          • Alby says:

            Don’t bother talking to the trolls, John. They’re just trying to trigger you.

            If a right-wing tosser has nothing better to do than read Delaware Liberal, you know he’s a short-dicked loser who can’t get a woman. If he could get a woman he wouldn’t be wasting his time here.

            This is the common thread to all conservatives. None of them have ever made a woman come. They wouldn’t know how.

    • jason330 says:

      I think the most vexing wing-nut criticism of Biden is going to be “He said he was going to get stuff done, and he didn’t.”

      Vexing to me anyway, because you can see it coming, and you can see that Team Biden has no real response to it.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Biden is to some extent a Coons Clone, eternally claiming “All we have to do is talk to them” concerning the Republicans. Problem is their not rational and have been fighting a war against us since Reagan. As noted Biden is faced with challenges above and beyond just talking. The schemes and games of the Republicans will come into focus the closer we get to 2022 followed by insanity, Trump or not, in the 2024 election.

    • Jason330 says:

      Exactly. At the highest leadership levels of the Democratic Party there is a collaborationist consensus that is trapped in amber.