Iraqi Parliament: Yankees Go Home

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 13, 2007

Well, this should do it for Chris. 144 members of the Iraqi Parliament signed a petition on Tuesday calling for a timetable for withdrawal. The measure is non-binding, but does represent the first time that the majority of the body have achieved this feat. Looks like it takes a while for their legislative bodies to come around to public opinion, too.

For at least two years, poll after poll has shown that large majorities of Iraqis of all ethnicities and sects want the United States to set a timeline for withdrawal

We need to start planning for our departure.


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  1. This is “buried” news, I hope it gets some traction by tomorrow.

  2. kavips says:

    Wow, Dick must have been a real dick in Baghdad, to piss so many of them off. (56%)

    As mentioned before, to these guys (mid-easterners) timing means everything…..

    It’s a long shot, but here is betting that Dick steps down, and moves to Dubai and retakes over Halliburton in 90 days of less.

    I’m reading he is “out of cards” as Vice President.

    My guess is that “Big Oil” is on the phone right now, trying to push him out…….

  3. kavips says:

    Eat your words Mitch.

    Republican Senator Mitch McConnell (KY), a Bush supporter, said this before the story broke.

    Citing media reports, McConnell said some lawmakers in Iraq’s parliament wanted a vote to ask the United States to leave.

    “I want to assure you, if they vote to ask us to leave, we’ll be glad to comply with their request,” he said.

    The Delaware question is: if arch conservative Mitch McConnell is pulling support for this war now with the Iraqis requesting us to leave, where does that leave moderate Castle, who still, at least publically, ardently defends Bush’s handling of this war.