DL Open Thread Tuesday January 11th 2021

Filed in National by on January 11, 2022

Me: Let’s go out to dinner one last time.
Ms: One last time?
Me: Yeah. One last time before things, you know,  go ka-plooey.
Ms: Ok.  Mexican?

True story.  Things had already gone ka-plooey of course.  Mexican restaurants are a trailing indicator.

I doubt President Manchin is going to allow another stimulus. But it isn’t as if the wholly powerless Under-President Biden is going to petition President Manchin for one. So no biggie.

Speaking of President Manchin, he said he would LOVE to vote for voting rights protections but only if 10 moderate New England Republican Senators from 1965 come back from the dead and vote for voting rights too.  So that will happen.

This pandemic wave is due, in part, to recalcitrant dummies who think masks, vaccinations and being asked to help not spread disease infringes on their freedom. Oh Well. Nothing we can do about recalcitrant dummies, right?  Oh wait… it is also due to the fact that Republican ghouls have figured out that prolonging the pandemic is “bad for Biden.”  

I like the idea of the ADT and admire the spirit of people who undertake it:  like this person:

Mainer and through-hiker Briana DeSanctis is looking to be the first woman to make a cross-country trek of the American Discovery Trail. She began her journey Jan. 1 at Cape Henlopen State Park, at the eastern terminus of the 5,000-mile trail.

From Delaware, the trail heads east through Maryland and West Virginia into Ohio, where hikers have an option to take the northern or southern route. DeSanctis is taking the southern route, which goes through Kentucky, southern Illinois, Missouri and Kansas before meeting back up with the northern route in Colorado. From Colorado, there’s one trail to the Pacific Ocean, where it ends at Limantour Beach in California.

Brushing the sand off her wet feet after stepping in the Atlantic Ocean to officially mark the beginning of her trip, DeSanctis was in good spirits.  (snip)

DeSanctis’ progress can be monitored on her Facebook page – Rocky Mountain High on the Discovery Trail. According to the Facebook page, as of the deadline for this story, she has made it into Maryland, which means she hiked through the snow and on the poorly plowed roads of western Sussex and Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

DeSanctis can also be reached by phone at 603-534-8135 or by email, bree683@hotmail.com.

If you, like me,  wondered how ADT hikers crossed the Chesapeake Bay, wonder no longer:

“At Stevensville (MD) arrangements must be made for a taxi or a friendly motorist to carry you across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.”




About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Sad to say I’ve given up on getting assorted dummies to get Vaccinated, wear a mask or wake the hell up. At this point it’s become a Darwin game where said dummies contract the virus and perhaps die as a result, those around them in turn do nothing to save themselves, never learn the lesson and perhaps become infected themselves.

  2. jason330 says:

    Well now that they’ve determined that more deaths and hospitalizations is “bad for Biden” and settled on a strategy of death and misery, I don’t expect a change in attitude anytime soon.

  3. Delawarelefty says:

    Yes Covidiots killing themselves is bad for Biden. They are brilliant. They are totally owning the Libs.

  4. puck says:

    Let’s go Darwin!

  5. Arthur says:

    After eating mexican its always ka-plooey and a trailing indicator…

    but the good news is in florida if you go to the right testing site you are guaranteed a negative result!

  6. nathan arizona says:

    Los Lobos at the Arden Gild Hall in March! One of the best bands out there. Destined, surely, for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame