Join The Party

Filed in National by on February 10, 2009

John Brady became a Democrat (again) at around 1:00 this afternoon.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (19)

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  1. miscreant says:

    He’s discussing it, and taking calls on WGMD … RIGHT NOW. They live stream.

  2. jason330 says:

    WGMD is what now? Internet radio?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Thanks, mis — I couldn’t get this to work on Firefox, tho.

  4. Yeah, I had to open up IE to listen. They need to work on that.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Me too — I absolutely hate that.

  6. miscreant says:

    My Firefox works fine with the stream.

  7. mike hunt says:

    you know, with all his yapping about the party, i wonder if he ever believed in the pricipals of the GOP. or was it a way to get elected….i know that the Delaware GOP is really screwed up, but i am a republican, and proud to be. I will continue to be a republican and fight like hell against the idiots who currently are in leadership of the party until the people get involved and take it back. I was a republican when it was good and when it was bad, because i believe in the idiology of the party, not because it will get me something.

    It does get me something, Freedom and Prosperity. Pride and Citizenship. I am a republican, and I think John Brady just proved to me why he didn’t win the election…he isn’t a leader. We will all pay for the election of KWS and I hope we have a real choice next time.

  8. PBaumbach says:

    Welcome, John. Glad to have you in the D tent!

  9. anon says:

    Mike Hunt is all wet.

    Sorry, I just wanted to say that.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    Indeed, welcome back, John!

    I didn’t get to hear all of this, but there were a few callers who were pretty angry about John’s decision. His answers to them were remarkably gracious. Well done all around.

  11. Try Firefox, works good lasts a long time.

  12. Suzanne says:

    I am sooo happy. I was hoping to be the first to break it, but I couldn’t since I was at a JFC hearing. Today was the scheduled day and it happened. AWESOME!


  13. he didn’t get a DUI and beat up his wife did he?

    it seems to be how one switches party’s in De

  14. anon says:

    Brady was that dude’s lawyer.

  15. AnonSeventeen says:

    Good for Brady I guess.

  16. MJ says:

    Welcome home, John.

  17. Susan Regis Collins says:

    All is forgiven Mr. Brady….welcome home.