The GOP is now an explicitly the pro-insurrection political party

Filed in National by on February 5, 2022
The fact that the Republican National Committee  officially declared the January 6th insurrection and the conspiracy that preceded it as “legitimate political discourse” seems like a milestone.  It also seems like something Democrats should make known to voters.  I know making Republicans answer tough questions isn’t part of the Dems playbook, but this seems like a significant line has been crossed.
“Do you agree Republican National Committee’s position endorsing the violence to reject election results?”   is a question all Republicans need to be asked.
Of course, we’ll probably just end up with the with Coons going on the Sunday shows to let everyone know that he is  “gravely concerned.”  That’s something, I suppose.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. The D’s should run riot footage over the ‘legitimate political discourse’ meme.

    They won’t.

    Perhaps the Lincoln Project will.

    • Ben says:

      The Lincoln Project is a scam. They accomplished precisely dick and since they’ve been “saving telhe gop” it’s only gotten trumpier.
      Plus, their whole fundraising strategy relies on trump being relevant, and that’s Chuck Schumer’s game.

    • Claymonster says:

      R’s have plenty of b-roll from summer 2020 protests, and none of it is flattering. That’s a game that can’t be won.

      Maybe Biden can use the patriot act to declare the RNC a terrorist org and authorize a drone strike.

      • Ben says:

        Yeah too bad most people are too dim to understand that the majority of the after-the-protest destruction was right wing agitators.

        • Claymonster says:

          I’ll overlook /that/ conspiracy theory since it makes the right look bad. Either way, trying to out-meme R’s is a lost cause

  2. ben says:

    I wonder how they would react if there was an organized “Legitimate Political Discourse” party at, say, Kevin Mcarthy’s house.
    Don’t call it anything other than that, but mention it will be “In the spirit of the January rally”. See how quickly they demand organizers be arrested for terrorism.