DL Open Thread Wednesday February 9th 2022

Filed in National by on February 9, 2022

Ho hum. The NYT doesn’t think Trump breaking the law is much of a story.

On Tuesday, Times reporters Michael S. Schmidt and Maggie Haberman co-authored their newspaper’s first attempt to define the contours of bombshell news by The Washington Postabout the National Archives and Records Administration recovering documents illegally removed from the White House by Trump and his staff and stored at his private Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

According to the Times, Trump was forced to return “15 boxes of documents, letters, gifts and mementos,” which “he had been legally required to leave in the custody of the federal government” before leaving office. The article explained the materials were handed over to the National Archives “after several months of back and forth” with Trump’s legal team, and that those items may not represent the full extent of federal records still held in secret by the Trump estate. As per the Times’ sources, the “hasty” removal of federal records wasn’t driven by a desire to commit a crime, but instead was just the “latest example of [Trump’s] lack of strict adherence … to the laws intended to preserve government documents and shield classified information from foreign enemies.” Indeed, according to reporting from the Times, this was an honest mistake because White House staffers were too distracted by Trump attempting to overthrow the United States government. – Via Media Matters

Chris Coons agrees with Tucker Carlson that Biden should not send out crack pipes

That may or may not be true.  Coons might not have commented on the crack pipes thing yet.  But it is a fact that these types of attacks by the GOP, were they take a kernel of truth and stretch it 20 miles in every direction typically work.  The media plays along and since “Democratic” Senators like Coons typically have Fox News on in their office 24/7/365 – they can usually get Dems to pile on.

It is a shame.  Some of these were very nice.  

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Claymonster says:

    Call it a case of trump-criminality fatigue. I don’t care about the procedural crimes. I want the damn piss tape!

  2. puck says:

    From USA Today:
    The ‘but Hillary’s emails’ crowd goes silent about Trump’s document destruction

    Let’s not forget NYT broke the “Hillary’s emails” story and obsessed over it for months. From Columbia Journalism Review:

    “In just six days, The New York Times ran as many cover stories about Hillary Clinton’s emails as they did about all policy issues combined in the 69 days leading up to the election.”

  3. Wow says:

    Sen. Trey Paradee asked Park City some good questions yesterday in JFC about her office wasting money. Link:

    Meanwhile, one of her employees, Toriann Parker, who is both a state employee in her office AND her campaign manager, posted some mess on Facebook implying she was going to work on primarying Trey because he asked Poor Park City some tough questions. Link: https://www.facebook.com/tori.parker.549/posts/10158641945783546?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZWtbQFxDF_waZ406OT-iYngt8nMX8UZV4lCNLHVuA3B8btlLcZvw0RhYsvs8JSemqpjLmY3wa0pIK1tD6H0_eI8q92dGG2U_Q0SIzTpkC6acU6sFWlJpUOBPCoxZX1GTUs&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

    We need a primary against McGuiness. And we need it now.

    • Couldn’t agree more. We need ONE somebody, no more Dennis E. Williams-type spoiler candidacies. It needs to be somebody credible who would, you know, actually have the staff conduct audits.

      McGuiness’ derangement is hiding in plain sight. She’s found a kindred spirit in this Tori Parker who, BTW is a long-time Rethug operative:


      Trey Paradee has nothing to worry about. Not with these Bizarro World characters making threats.

  4. jason330 says:

    Holy Shit. The brazen criminality:

    The Llc exchange (minus Lawson being a dick):

    Paradee: “An interesting thing about 1787 Consulting–it looks like they were incorporated….less than a few months ago…They actually incorporated in July of 2021. And they used a Registered Agent. And so, in other words, the owner of that company is not listed. They have an agent listed that you can contact. And that’s typically done when a company is trying to cover up who actually owns the company, right? But interestingly, we’re able to figure out, through the state checkbook, where those checks, those payments are being made, so we were able to find the address of that company.”

    McGuiness: “Okay.”

    Paradee: “Okay, so, can you tell me who runs it?”

    McGuiness: “Isn’t that, like, an LLC, right?”

    Paradee: “Yeah.”

    McGuiness: “Yeah.”

    Paradee: “No, but somebody owns that LLC.”

    McGuiness: “Yeah.”

    Paradee: “Can you tell me who that is?”

    McGuiness: “Yeah, I have a an employee right now that–a current employee that owns that.”

    Paradee: “And I believe that employee is seated behind you?”

    McGuiness: “Mm hmm.”

    Paradee: “I have a hard time understanding why your office, who has someone on the payroll as an employee of your office, is then sending another almost $10,000 in compensation to that employee.”

    Jesus fucking christ!

  5. SussexAnon says:

    Kim Petters has filed a campaign committee to run for state senate district 16. Bonini has a primary!