The Brazen Criminality of Delaware’s “Auditor”

Filed in National by on February 9, 2022

This is fucking nuts.

As reported by WDEL’s DJ McAneny here is the exchange between Trey Paradee and Kathy McGuiness AFTER Paradee pointed out that Park City was trying to shift half-a-million dollars from general funds towards “contractual services”.   (Sen Lawson interjecting some dumb bullshit has been removed by me.)

Paradee: “An interesting thing about 1787 Consulting–it looks like they were incorporated….less than a few months ago…They actually incorporated in July of 2021. And they used a Registered Agent. And so, in other words, the owner of that company is not listed. They have an agent listed that you can contact. And that’s typically done when a company is trying to cover up who actually owns the company, right? But interestingly, we’re able to figure out, through the state checkbook, where those checks, those payments are being made, so we were able to find the address of that company.”

McGuiness: “Okay.”

Paradee: “Okay, so, can you tell me who runs it?”

McGuiness: “Isn’t that, like, an LLC, right?”

Paradee: “Yeah.”

McGuiness: “Yeah.”

Paradee: “No, but somebody owns that LLC.”

McGuiness: “Yeah.”

Paradee: “Can you tell me who that is?”

McGuiness: “Yeah, I have a an employee right now that–a current employee that owns that.”

Paradee: “And I believe that employee is seated behind you?”

McGuiness: “Mm hmm.”

Paradee: “I have a hard time understanding why your office, who has someone on the payroll as an employee of your office, is then sending another almost $10,000 in compensation to that employee.”

Jesus fucking christ! Do you think she was trying to shift that money from the General fund to a slush fund to pay her employee/consultant? I wonder….

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. These arrangements between KMG and Tori Parker simply MUST be investigated by the AG’s office as part of their building a case against our corrupt Auditor.

    Don’t forget, the SAME Tori Parker who is both an employee in the Auditor and was sitting with KMG yesterday, is ALSO the officer of record for that phony baloney De. Pharmacists PAC created solely to funnel money to KMG’s campaign. In fact, BOTH the Pharmacists PAC AND KMG’S PAC SHARE THE SAME ADDRESS: 235 Rehoboth Avenue. Direct coordination between a candidate and a PAC is illegal, just in case nobody in the AG’s office is aware of that yet.

    • jason330 says:

      Wait… is Tori Parker the person Paradee was referring to when he said ” I believe that employee is seated behind you”

      Is that her employee/consultant/PAC money funneler?

      • Ab-so-fucking-lutely.

        • jason330 says:

          uhhh… speechless.

        • liberalgeek says:

          Fun fact: Ms. Parker was representing the Auditor’s campaign on September 14th (crazy story behind that).

          It gives some context to the exchange just beyond the stuff quoted above:
          Paradee: “Okay, those payments were made in December. Three separate payments totaling almost $10,000 to one of your employees. And obviously, if we have somebody on the payroll, whatever work that was that 1787 Consulting was being paid for, I mean, why weren’t they just doing that in their normal duties as a state employee? And I guess I’m to assume that this is work that was being done on the evenings or weekends?”

          McGuiness: “Previous to being hired. That’s how that person ended up having that relationship, where it’s like, ‘Wow, you should apply.’ But that was before that person was hired. I cannot speak to the billing, and the lag of billing, or the lag time, etc., for payment.

  2. Arthur says:

    Blah blah blah…wake me up when someone, anyone, is ever held accountable.

  3. AA says:

    What’s even more nuts is the flimsy argument she made that the office should be able to use $150,000 for private representation because as KMG alleges it would be a “conflict of interest” to use an attorney from the AG’s office even though it is precedent that state office holders have used this public representation.

    In full transparency I voted for KMG and have never regretted a vote more than this one.

    • That argument’s already been shot down in court. She could have had a public defender, but instead opted to pay an attorney out of her own seemingly-bottomless pocket.

  4. Harold says:

    I recommend rewatching the budget hearing if you have time to kill. I caught it live, and it was a doozy. I laughed and laughed; Paradee ripped her to shreds

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Why is Paradee critical of anonymous LLCs with special agents hired to manage?

    Diamond Dave Lawson (king of the cargo pant) had to step in and defend our Tax Haven infrastructure! Lol.

    • jason330 says:

      yeah That was absurd.

      • RE Vanella says:

        It is funny to me that the system is set up to anonymously launder money via layered LLCs. Political elites encourage the transfer of public resources into private hands with grants, tax exemptions, &c.

        And the auditor gets grilled over a hundred grand… classic.

        Paradee is like “I have a couple LLCs BUT I PUT MY NAME ON!”

        • Jason330 says:

          Yes. Set up to anonymously launder money via layered LLCs, but with at least some sense of decorum.

          I think that might be what KMcG is getting grilled about here.

          e.g. “Your crude antics are going to screw it up for the rest of us.”

        • puck says:

          “Set up to anonymously launder money via layered LLCs, but with at least some sense of decorum.”

          Anonymously? I could dox them from my keyboard in two minutes. This gang didn’t even have the wherewithal to register the LLCs to a PO box in that building on Orange Street.