DL Open Thread Monday February 21 2022

Filed in National by on February 21, 2022

Welcome to the 8th week of 2022. I know. It feels like the 88th week, right? Did Russia invade last night? I’m typing this at 10:00 pm EST (That’s 5:00 am in Kyiv.)

Prior to jumping into the open thread, here are a couple of things to put on your “to do” list for this week:

1- Read and Support “The Call” I had to the privilege to attend a Delaware Call event this weekend, and it re-awakened my heart and soul to the potential power of leftist politics.

2- Listen to and Support the Highlands Bunker.  REV is getting shit done.

Toxic Centrism is worse than conservatism.  Here’s why.  Toxic centrism invalidates the very idea that finding the truth is possible. Coonsian Toxic Centrism refutes that notion that a “right” and a “wrong” choice is possible. Toxic Centrism as not interest in truth, right, justice, equity, fairness.  It is only concerned with luke warm mediocrity.

We re-learn that fact about Toxic Centrism today by observing the rejection of Toxic Centrism in Wyoming of all places.

Wyoming state representative Andy Schwartz explained to his colleague in the Wyoming legislature that presenting neutral both-side-ism around astoundingly important events in history is worthless. To truly understand the horrific nature of these actions one must find them uncomfortable.

Schwartz’s speech broke the Republican supermajority and they could not achieve a 2/3rds vote to pass their ban on Critical Race Theory. 60 of the 67 members of the legislature are Republicans.


“In this bill, page 9, line 19 states, ‘The teaching of history must be neutral, without judgment,'” state Rep. Andy Schwartz said during debate. “Now, how can that be possible? If I were a Native American, I doubt I could accept the neutral, judgment-free approach about the relocation, the decimation of the Indigenous population. If I were a Black American, I doubt I could accept a neutral, judgment-free approach on the enslavement of millions of Americans.

“But I’m Jewish, and I cannot accept a neutral judgment-free approach on the murder of 6 million Jews in World War Two.”

Schwartz, whose Teton County district includes the city of Jackson, said that, to understand the depth of depraved actions, one must be discomfited by them.

“Going to page 8, lines 19 and 20, it says ‘no one should feel discomfort or distress,'” he said. “But in learning about the Holocaust, I have suffered a lifetime of discomfort and distress, and it’s essential that as students learn about this dark time in our history, they to feel discomfort in distress.”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Thanks, man. Yeah successful event. It was an experiment of sorts. Plus we had no idea where we’d be COVID wise.. but… concept proven. Next year we can do it “for real.” Fingers crossed.

    The podcast Friday was one of the coolest one-on-ones I’ve done in a while. Incredible guest.

    By the way… double check your first sentence… lol

  2. bamboozer says:

    The whole CRT game really gets me, it’s nothing but denial, writ large and rather stupid. You cannot change the past, pathetic bills and legislation or not. Be brave for one single shining moment and admit this country lives under the eternal cloud called racial hatred. Why? Why not come into the sun and stop this stupid game?