The Greatest White Privilege of Them All

Filed in National by on March 12, 2022

Eschaton reminded me of this truth – You can’t convict rich white people of crimes.  That’s a pretty big privilege.  Even when they are stone cold guilty,  wealthy white people can use the “I didn’t know it was a crime” defense.  You have to be simultaneously rich and white to have that defense available to you.

Only once in my lifetime has that defense failed, and that was the rich white guy preyed on underage girls.   I guess it is hard to claim that you didn’t know preying on underage girls is a crime with a straight face.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Twice. Capano. Was both rich and white, but used his less rich white brother and an accomplice.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Also murdered a politically connected white woman. Changes the calculus slightly.

      Chappelle has a great bit about his white friend Chip getting out of arrests by saying “Sorry officer, I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.”

      • jason330 says:

        True. If Epstein confined his preying on young women to young non-white women, he probably could have pulled off the “Sorry officer, I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.” defense.

  2. bamboozer says:

    As noted white privilege works best when you are both white and rich or politically connected. Hard not to notice the sentencing of the Jan.6th insurrectionists had been a festival of wrist slapping and bending over backwards to accommodate vacations, going to church and other absurd requests. As ever the question remains what would have happened if they were black? The police would have opened fire and those that survived would have received sentences of years and not months.

    • Dana says:

      Merrick Garland absolutely hates the GOP because Mitch McConnell denied him a Supreme Court seat. Do you believe that the Attorney General would have given away those one count misdemeanor plea deals if he seriously believed that he could have nailed them all on more serious charges?

      Of course, the police didn’t just “open fire” on the months-long Black Lives Matter demonstrations, many of which resulted in serious arson and looting damage. Why would you expect that the Capitol Police would have “opened fire” on the January 6th demonstrators if they had been mostly black?