New Journal Letter Writer of the Year

Filed in National by on August 2, 2007

It was so good to read a July 19 letter about how Democrats are responsible for the Iraq war’s slow progress.

We have too many Monday morning quarterbacks. If Democrats would spend as much time and effort helping the president, we would get some place. All they can do is bad-mouth him not only to this country but overseas as well. No wonder other countries don’t like us.

We elected a human being who is trying his best without much help. Why don’t we all try getting behind the president for a change to see what a big difference it would make. And stop saying how dumb the president is. Give him the respect he and his office deserve.

Elizabeth McGonigle, Bear

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (27)

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  1. Disbelief says:

    Did she go elf-spotting right after submitting the letter? Does she stay up all night Christmas Eve trying to get a glimpse of Santa?

    I really want to be a smart-ass about this letter, but there’s just too many holes.

    Democrats should help? Wonder how many KIA were Dems? Would that make a difference to her?

    Did she know our Dem federal legislators voted for the war?

  2. Rebecca says:

    So very sad. I could get really annoyed with Mrs. McGonigle if she wasn’t so mentally deficient. There’s simply no other reason for somebody to still be supporting the worst president ever.

  3. Dave says:

    “There’s simply no other reason for somebody to still be supporting the worst president ever.”

    I didn’t see Jimmy Carter mentioned in the letter.

  4. anon says:

    Hey, Carter attacked Iran – what more could a wingnut ask for?

  5. anon says:

    Breaking: Dave Burris SC GOP chair thinks George Bush is not the worst President ever.

  6. Phantom says:

    Jimmy was so horrible. Prescient as he was about oil and the energy issues that we now face today. Somehow I don’t believe that 20 years down the road we will be stating the same about Bush b/c Iraq will be governed by Iran and, since we will still be in Iraq, it will be like a shooting (or in this case IED bombing) gallery with our troops.

  7. Ryan S. says:

    Why was somebody writing the N-J about President Grant? wtf!

  8. jason330 says:

    Ryan I hold out such hope that you will be the first wingnut in the hood to come out and say that George Bush is the worst President ever.

    C’mon Ryan. You know you want to.

  9. David says:

    Ooops I vomitted.

    Clean up on Aisle 4.

  10. kavips says:

    Just FYI

    Her husband was a tail gunner in a B17, flew thirty-some missions, which means he was lucky. He also manned the guns of a B29 over Korea. Thanks to actions of people like him, those of us today can call each other fascists or communists, instead of fighting them.

    He died on Tuesday, and is to be buried tomorrow.

    My heart goes out to her and her family at this time. I just hope she realizes how lucky she was to have shared a life with one whom I consider to have been a real hero.

    Sometimes with a wider view, we gain a more sympathetic understanding.

    Of course the facts don’t change: we just change how we publicly present them……..

  11. anon says:

    Eveybody has an excuse for sticking with Bush. Fuck that.

    Her husband did not fight the nazis so that some out of controll frat boy could wipe his ass with the constitution. Shame on this stupid woman. Shame on her ware hero husband for not setting her straight.

  12. Dave says:

    Brave words, anon, from someone too scared to use their own name.

    Mama must be proud.

  13. anon says:

    Screw you trust fund.

  14. David says:

    kvapi, one has nothing to do with the other. Just because her husband died, doesn’t make her any less of an ass.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Mrs. McGonigle must be senile or on some heavy meds if she actually thinks that positive thoughts and everyone caving to Bush’s whim (which happened with the Rethug rubber-stampers for 3 yrs!) will somehow help the troops fight, the insurgency become less potent, and the Iraqi government less corrupt and incompetent.

    Keep watching Peter Pan, Mrs. McGonigle, and clap LOUDER!

  16. AnotherAnon says:

    If you want to talk about “bravery,” try answering the premise first.

    Anon 12:46 is spot-on. A national surveillance program far beyond Stalin’s wettest dream is being revealed. The Greatest Generation fought the Nazis and the Communists precisely so we wouldn’t have to live under this kind of statist crap.

  17. Dave says:

    Mama must be REAL proud.


  18. Von Cracker says:

    Stop projecting, Dave.

    But if you feel the need to put somebody down just to make yourself feel better…well, that’s quite revealing about your nature!

  19. AnotherAnon says:

    Brave words, anon, from someone too scared to use their own name.

    So you were for anonymity before you were against it?

    Blogging is about ideas – not about who can track down the most dirt on somebody’s name.

    Talk about the ideas.

  20. Dave says:

    So this coward anon can call a woman who just lost her husband stupid and call shame on her dead husband with no accountability?

    I don’t think so. That is bullshit.

  21. Rebecca says:

    Clearly Mrs. McGonigle’s grief is inhibiting her reason. I’m very sorry for her and for her family. I’m even more sorry that she will vote again. That’s how we got into this mess.

  22. jason330 says:

    I have to say I’m with anon. My big problem with the modern GOP is that they will not cowboy up and start telling the truth about Bush.

    The void created by thinking conservatives is filled by people like Elizabeth McGonigle.

  23. AnotherAnon says:

    Using the terms “stupid” and “shame” were perhaps sour dressing on top of an excellent point. But not out of bounds.

    Mrs. McGonigle’s letter introduced multiple false premises that slandered millions of loyal Americans who patriotically oppose Bush. Just because she didn’t use the word “stupid” doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.

  24. Dave says:

    My bad.

    I forgot where I was.

  25. donviti says:

    BUT, BUT, BUT her husband died so we can give her a pass. He was a war hero, so she must know what she was talking about.

    Well I was in the freaking Navy, so who gives a shit.

    but 9/11 happened so he gets a pass,

    but Bill did it first so he gets a pass,

    but it isn’t his fault because, because,because,because,because,because,

    give me a break

    the lady is a crack pot and her comments are ridiculous even if her whole family passed away last week.

  26. anon says:

    You forgot to be an American first and then a Republican. That’s the problem trust fund.

  27. Dave says:

    What is this “trust fund” crap, coward? My father ran a tire store for 20 years. What makes you think I have a trust fund?

    Oh, that’s right. You speak, then think. Got it.


    Did you call Mama and ask her if she’s proud?