Delaware Political Weekly: April 1-7, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 8, 2022

1. This Is Not An Endorsement. However–I came across the name of a D candidate who had just filed for the 14th Senate District seat currently held by the retiring Sen. Bruce Ennis.  Based on the candidate’s background, I asked my wife about this candidate w/o mentioning his name.  You see, my wife’s a pharmacist, a great one, and her customers are devoted to her just as she is to them.  So, I start the litany of his background–24 years as a pharmacist at Happy Harry’s, opened his own pharmacy, Atlantic Apothecary in Smyrna.  Before I could keep going, she said, “Kevin Musto?–he’s a  GREAT guy.” Gotta admit, one of the things that has so pissed me off about Kathy McGuiness is that, while she was playing at being a pharmacist (and being sanctioned by the Board Of Pharmacy for her failures), most pharmacists are wonderful people who are truly dedicated to helping others. More on Kevin:

Kevin has been a member of the DPS Board of Directors since 1993, serving as President from 1997-1999. In 2001, Kevin founded the Harry Levin Center for Pharmacy and History, the home of DPS, which houses Board meetings, the history of Delaware pharmacy and provides a state of the art education center for pharmacists and technicians.

In addition to his community practice, since 2003 he has worked with the Delaware Public Health Preparedness Section as the Delaware’s Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Consultant. He has developed pharmacist and technician bioterrorism awareness trainings, assisted in developing state-wide distribution plans and oversees the in-state stockpile medications.

So. This is not an endorsement, but someone with his expertise and history of accomplishment would sure be welcome in Dover.

2. Sherm Porter. Where have I heard that name before?  Oh, that’s right.  He had filed a committee to run for the 4th RD seat as a Rethug. Apparently being the only Delawarean unaware that the seat was gonna head on down to Suxco.  Well, he’s now filed to run in the 7th SD, currently held by Spiros Mantzavinos.  I’ll try to resist using the phrase ‘Distinctions not cost-effective.’ Oops, I failed.  Two things: (1) We commit typos all the time here since we don’t have editors.  However, when putting up your campaign blog, you might want to avoid mistakes like this:

Born and raised in Delaware, Sherm graduated from Christina High School and continued his education in hospitality management attending Delaware Technical Community College and the University of Delaware, graduating from 1991 to 1994(?). (Longest graduation ever? Did Biden deliver the commencement address? That would explain it). His education gave him the necessary skills to build his business. As he offense says, “Planning for the future of Delaware begins with education.” 

I offense say the same thing.  But, kids, don’t give up on his candidacy just yet.  Who could possibly resist a fundraiser like this one?:


Beer seems to be a theme of his campaign. See if you can spot the Bud Light:

Need I say more?  I live for candidacies like this one.

3. Steve Smyk’s Would-Be Rethug Successor Files. The ‘Real’ Dallas Wingate, as opposed to all those Dallas Wingate poseurs out there.  Army vet followed by a career with the Department of Defense.  At least he doesn’t appear to be a cop.  I’ve been told that the 20th RD could be competitive.  Let’s see who surfaces for the D’s.

4. Filings.  GoMurphGo: R sacrificial lamb for US Congress, he’s got merch!; Cody ‘Sometimes You Feel Like A’ McNutt: Libertarian sacrificial lamb for US Congress.  His platform is, um, truncated; and ‘Truth, Justice And Julianne! Murray’: Rethug RWNJ for AGShe’ll ‘be an Attorney General, not an Activist General’.  She’ll be a loser, but why quibble?

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Goddam it. I wish Erik Raser-Schramm and Jesse Chadderdon were still in charge. They’d clobber these bozos.

    With the current party “leadership” I’m getting distinct “oh well we always lose in non-Presidential years” vibes.

    • Thankfully, we don’t have to rely on Erik or Jesse for candidate recruitment. WFP and other grassroots groups are doing the work for them.

      I’ve pretty much concluded that Betsy Maron is useless. Groomed for the job by her dad, utterly lacking in vision.

  2. A says:

    Ryan Peters has withdrawn for the 6th RD

  3. General comment: Trolls gonna troll. Trolls gonna get blacklisted.

  4. Mike Dinsmore says:

    Re the Porter blog:

    Where is Christina High School?

    What’s with the guy in the yellow shirt’s fingers? I thought that it might have been because his hand was moving while the photo was taken, but his knuckles are in focus.

  5. Harold says:

    Cody R McNutt! lmao