Carney is the lamest of lame ducks. Who will be the next Governor of Delaware? Part 1

Filed in National by on June 8, 2022

Carney, at best, is a cardboard cutout of a man.  In fact a cardboard cut out of a man has a little utility, so calling him that is an un-merited compliment.  El Som has documented his lack of creativity, energy and low character. With his veto I’m just over that fucking waste of space.  So let’s get out over our skis and think about who will be the 75th.    But first let’s take a look at the luminaries that have served since I moved to Delaware as a wee socialist sprout in 1975.

Sherm Tribbitt.  (1973-1977) All I know about him was that Celia Cohen liked him.  I think he lived in Dover.

Pete du Pont (1977-1985) I guess when you elect the scion of the state’s wealthiest most influential family you get what you get.

Mike Castle (1985-1992) Compared to the current GOP, he was a bearded marxist.  Yes, he was for everything that further enriched the rich and further comforted the comfortable, but he wasn’t openly racist while doing it.

Tom Carper (1993-2001) Horrible.

Ruth Ann Minner (2002-2009). Indoor smoking ban.  it would never pass if it came up again today.

Jack Markell (2009-2017) Gets a lot of credit for shit that happened while he was Governor, not because he was governor.

John Carney (2017-2022) Every bit as horrible and Carper but without the charisma, or Navy experience.


Well, we’ve been repeatedly hosed in the Governor department.  Can someone break our long running streak of a-holes and incurious boobs?  I sort of doubt it, but we’ll take up that question on Monday.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Another Mike says:

    The disrespect for Gov. Dale Wolf is stunning. His 20 days in office are so memorable.

  2. Jason330 says:

    That was a test to catch the biggest geek. Congrats!!

  3. SussexWatcher says:

    Minner served from 2001-2009, not 2002.

    Tidbit: Wolf was the last Republican Governor of Delaware.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Only one decent Gov. Russ Peterson.

    • Bert Carvel was before your time, but he was IMO a great governor.

    • Russ is more like Delaware’s Jimmy Carter. He served one term and lost for reelection. If memory serves, there was some screw-up with the budget, and he took the fall for it.

      But he sure proved that there was life after the Governor’s Mansion, as he became one of the nation’s most essential environmentalists. He was the visionary behind the Urban Wildlife Refuge at Wilmington’s riverfront. My wife and I walked it this weekend.

  5. bamboozer says:

    Well there’s the obvious choice: JASON FOR GOVERNOR!!! Failing that another corporate hack that takes his, or her, orders from the Chamber Of Commerce, Wall St and the rich.

  6. Ben says:

    Everyone knows it’s Bethany Hall-Long’s turn.

    • It was John Carney’s ‘turn’ once.

      He lost.

      • jason330 says:

        A turn delayed by a line jumper? Sort of. Even that line jumper was “in line.”

        Nobody gets to be Governor of Delaware without first serving statewide as Treasurer, Rep in Congress or Lt. Gov. That narrows the field.

  7. Bill Martin says:

    ::Dennis Miller voice::
    I call her Bethany Long-Hallway because it’s gotta be an interminable walk from her office to Carney’s.