DL Open Thread Tuesday June 14 2022

Filed in National by on June 14, 2022

Trump clearly and irrefutably tried to seize power through a coup.  We can have our political differences, but if you don’t regard that as a problem – you are not an American.

What’s gotten into Republicans?  The periodic peaceful transfer of power has been the keystone of the Republic since George Washington.  All of us mutually agreeing on its importance is the thing that holds everything together.

The attempted coup through election nullification is unprecedented.  Even Nixon, as horrible as he was never came close to this.  And yet, it is part of a larger conservative hysteria that rejects  any and all legal authority that does not flow from conservative straight white male superiority.

Doctors: “Wear a mask, you’ll live longer.”

GOP: “I have a better idea. Fuck you!”

Kevin Hensley, for example,  may not all be white supremacist technically speaking but conservative straight white male supremacy is at the heart of his politics.  I think we can all (conservatives and liberals alike) agree on that much.   Moving on from that bit of common ground, we can all also agree that Modern Republicanism is really no different than a defendant in a trial deciding that the jury made a mistake, and therefor he would not be bound by the verdict.

All of this to say that I don’t know how a civil society continues when 30-40% of the members refuse to be bound by any commonly understood rules rules or even any norms of behavior.  I guess we’ll see.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    I understand the hearings are presenting a powerful case. But I was busy working and didn’t watch them. So if a left of center guy like me didn’t watch them, I’m pretty sure most of the country didn’t either. There will be no effect on the mid-terms, unless Trump is indicted. Then everybody will watch.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Hoping more are paying attention then we think, cult members excluded of course. I remember Water gate very well, it was a very different era as the “men of good will” still dominated the senate, even the Republicans. As noted if Trump is indicted it will be a game changer, and then all will pay attention.

  3. Another Mike says:

    I watched a bit of the prime time stuff last week, but most people have jobs during the day and can’t set aside 3 or 4 hours for this stuff. Thursday’s hearing begins at 1 pm. I try to read what I can about them, but it’s not the same as seeing them live.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Watch ’em on Youtube, the abbreviated version, it’s what I do.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Opening args done in State v Kathy M. First state witness up after lunch.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    If Wood’s opening is any indication, expect a multifaceted, spirited defense.