The General Reviews “A Tragic Legacy”

Filed in National by on August 5, 2007

Glenn Greenwald, a Salon contributor and author of How Would a Patriot Act (Working Assets Publishing, $12.00), has penned a new book, A Tragic Legacy: How A Good Vs. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency (Crown Books $24.95) which lays out the ‘philosophical’ underpinnings of our Dear Leader’s grasp of the world.

Greenwald ascribes the Bush world-view as Manichean. Basically W. posits that the world is a battleground between the forces of Good and those of Evil. The United States is on the side of the good. Islamofascists, and those who abet them, are evil. There is no middle –ground. There are many implications to this outlook. One, of course, is that if you don’t serve the side of good, well, then, you’re with them. Another is that any tactic in the service of the good, is in and of itself legitimate. Or “moral certitude trumps moral constraint”. If we must imprison our enemies without due process, or use some rather radical means of extracting information from them, then so be it.

Read the whole review.

Then go out and buy a copy.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. miles north says:

    F**ck good vs. evil. It’s all about the money.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Greenwald = 99.9% spot on with everything he writes!

    Everyone knows that the Bush/Cheney admin is completely simplistic-reptilian in regard to the GWOT, and money is the intended byproduct. And their scared, religious base eats up the good v evil thing (makes them feel part of the new crusade). All you need to do is look at their words and works over the past 5 years…

    Anyway, I believe Greenwald’s best contribution is exposing the insular DC Beltway Media, by providing irrefutable commentary and evidence about how corrupt they are. His writings rip into the false assertions that the likes of Broder and Hiatt are fair and accurate; where, in reality, their major objective is to solidify their standing as Serious People who write about Serious Things and all others are just armature, partisan hacks.

    Greenwald, through these own fools writings, expose them for who they really are: Out of touch fossils who only care about their standing in the DC Cocktail circuit.

    Check him out: