McGuiness to Step Down Watch – Day 1

Filed in National by on July 6, 2022

As Impeachment pressure mounts on the State Frauditor, I doubt she will find many friends urging her to stay and fight it out.

Senate President Pro Tempore Sen. Dave Sokola, Senate Majority Leader Bryan Townsend, and I issued a joint statement today regarding the removal of the Auditor of Accounts:
“Based on the clear legal precedent established in Slawik v. Folsom, the Senate agrees with Governor John Carney that at this stage he cannot unilaterally remove the State Auditor from her position under Article XV of the Delaware Constitution.
At this juncture, we believe both the Constitution and the gravity of Auditor McGuiness’s crimes compel the General Assembly to make use of its own authority to remove her from office, whether via Article VI impeachment or Article III removal proceedings. Today, we want to make crystal clear our intentions to do exactly that for the Delawareans who are demanding accountability following the Auditor’s egregious breach of public trust.
Delawareans deserve a State Auditor who is able to safeguard taxpayer dollars and good fiscal stewardship ethically, expertly, and free from further distraction or additional abuses of power. In short, the power of incumbency must not prevail over the people’s rightful demands for accountability.
We once again call on Auditor McGuiness to place the public’s interest ahead of her own and resign. Otherwise, the General Assembly must exercise its Constitutional powers and the Senate is prepared to lead the way.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    Bill and I are recording the post-trial wrap-up show this evening. We’ll discuss this briefly but there’s really no chance McGuiness quits.

    After hundreds of thousands of dollars sunk into a criminal defense and with post verdict motions already teed-up why would she back off now?

    Carney will do nothing and the legislature is hardly a dynamic body. And they aren’t even in session.

    You think a strongly worded press release is going to push her to resign?

    • Jason330 says:

      What’s the upside on her criminal case of trying to fight? What’s her burn rate for legal counsel? She is well off, but her bank account isn’t bottomless.

      Once Pete blocks her number (by lunch time today, Im thinking) its all over.

      • RE Vanella says:

        She thinks she’ll win reelection. And regardless, she’s running for reelection.

        You assume Pete blocks her number. I don’t.

        Why would she resign?

        • mediawatch says:

          Correct. Not until she loses the primary, and then still probably not. Collect her paycheck and leave her daughter in charge.

        • Jason330 says:

          to spend more time with the family….because it is a distraction…

          Whatever the pretext, she has gotten as good as she could get from the jury. She’ll need to cut her losses here and move on to some other grift. Impeachment doesn’t have to make the fine distinctions between “wrong but not illegal” that were made during the trial.

  2. Joe Connor says:

    How about putting up the contribution link for Lydia York? She needs one friend and she’s got him. The lady ain’t going anywhere until she is dragged out:)

  3. waterpirate says:

    Where do we get the yard signs ” anybody but McKathy “

  4. Declan says:

    She is trump like….

    She will never resign