Speaker Pete ‘Unavailable For Comment’ Watch: Day 11

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 11, 2022

Did what I usually do–scoured all the local news sources for Pete sightings. None reported.

So, here’s where that leaves us:  On July 1, 2022 State Auditor Kathy McGuiness is convicted on three counts of her indictment.  Every Democratic legislator in leadership calls for her resignation. Except for Pete Schwartzkopf, who is unavailable for comment.

The Democratic leadership of the Delaware State Senate calls for the General Assembly to initiate proceedings to remove her from office.  Just one problem.  Those proceedings must begin in the House.  Only two people can call the House back into session: John Carney, who is Governor in name only. And Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf.  Pete Schwartzkopf remains unavailable for comment.

Now, ten days after McGuiness’ convictions, Speaker Pete remains unavailable for comment.

He is scheduled to appear at a Democratic committee event on Wednesday.  Any Democrat can attend.  What about reporters? Will Pete be available for comment to his handpicked committee members and remain unavailable for comment to the press and, by extension, to all Delawareans?  I don’t think that even Pete can carry off that weasel move.

We don’t know if he’ll show. We don’t know whether questions about his protegee will either be permitted or answered.

Since the event is scheduled for the day after the filing deadline, we don’t even know if Pete and/or Kathy will remain on the primary ballot.

What we do know is that Schwartzkopf is in dereliction of his duties as Speaker.  I find it difficult to believe that, following this November’s election, even a supplicant D caucus will support him for Speaker.  He has embarrassed them and himself. The D caucus is certain to be less supplicant come November anyway, as several progressive challengers to the Kop Kabal leadership will be newly-elected members of the body.  Something that Pete, and Val, who is likely already sharpening her figurative knives, know.

This is the summer of their discontent.  May it continue to escalate.

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  1. Sussex Worker says:

    Do you even know any “handpicked” 14th RD committee members? This committee was elected at an RD Caucus last month. Speaker Schwartzkopf is not a committee member and he did not participate in the caucus. Your criticism of the State Auditor and of the Speaker have merit. Your attack of committee members is unfair and misplaced. While Ms. McGuiness has some supporters on the committee, I doubt she has anywhere near a majority.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      I referred to Speaker Pete, not McGuiness.

      I’m on my local committee as well. There may be one or two members who don’t support our state rep since they ran against him, but by and large, virtually all the members not only support our state rep, but want to be on the committee BECAUSE they support him. Maybe I misused the term ‘hand-picked’. ‘Self-selected’ is probably more accurate.

      Are you suggesting that RD 14 members don’t generally support Pete? I doubt it.

      BTW, you’re a very good commenter and have some great Sussex insights. Do you have any sense as to what will happen on Wednesday? Will you be there (I hope)?

      • Sussex Worker says:

        “Self-selected” is more accurate. I believe most of the committee members support Pete, even though they disagree with him on many progressive issues.
        I was suggesting that many, if not most, committee members no longer support Kathy, some never did. Unlike northern Delaware, most 14th RD committee members are recent residents. There are some new members who do not know Pete.

        I do not have a sense of what will happen Wednesday. I know that there are people, not on the committee, who are planning to attend. I also understand that Lydia York is aware of the meeting. Kathy McGuinnes has been a committee member for a few years. I wonder if she would show up.

        I am planning on attending.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    I love anonymous RD committee defenders.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      No, he’s a good commenter.

      He had a good point.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Will the RD make an on the record vote on this issue? Will they make a public statement? Will the members who aren’t in the tank who the anonymous commenter is implicitly defending step down in protest?

        Let me know if any of that happens.

        People want their little thread of a connection to party power apparatus and then cry anonymously at the first sign of heat.

        Sorry, don’t give a shit.

        • Alby says:

          Most people comment anonymously. Learn to deal with it.

          • El Somnambulo says:

            Plus, commenting anonymously protects the poster, who is a committee member.

            Means he might be able to comment openly about what happens on Wednesday.

            I’ll make that trade-off any day.

          • RE Vanella says:

            I’m pointing it out because it proves my point. Deal with it

          • Alby says:

            Your point, then, is that you know the motivations of other people and condemn them accordingly. Got it.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Right. Exactly. Too afraid… makes your point.

  4. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    I find it pretty extraordinary that Schwartzkopf hasn’t thrown her under the bus yet. This is Delaware politics after all. I know they go back a ways, but what has she done for him lately?

    • El Somnambulo says:

      I don’t know if he can. I think she could well have more than enough to deep-six his career and his reputation.

      His silence only adds credence to that speculation, and I’m only too willing to fan the flames…

  5. Stewball says:

    The News Journal or State News should start a Where’s Pete feature. Could be a daily graphic.

  6. Kevin Ohlandt says:

    Meanwhile Kathy won’t shut the f up on Facebook about what a great job her office is doing and all these reports they are releasing. This is a clown show.

  7. All Seeing says:

    Could Pete being Argentina? It is a possibiliy no?

  8. El Somnambulo says:

    I’m going with Puck: “Hiking the Appalachian Trail”.

    No doubt with a police escort.

  9. El Somnambulo says:

    BTW, from the State Democratic Party rules:

    “Removal. Members and officers may be removed for cause by a majority vote of the local committee, after a hearing before said committee. The rules of a
    subdivision may provide for an appeal to the Executive Committee or other
    authorized committee of such subdivision.”

    Kathy McGuiness is indeed a member of the 14th RD Committee. She is a convicted offender. I wonder what the committee will do…