Delaware Political Weekly: Filing Deadline Edition-July 12, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 12, 2022

The filing deadline is today at noon.  The Department Of Elections generally does a real good job of providing updates on Deadline Day.  We generally have all filings and withdrawals complete by around 2 p. m.

Here’s what has taken place since Friday’s Delaware Political Weekly:

1.  State Sen. Darius Brown (SD 2) Files For Reelection. Why not? Nobody filed to challenge him.

2.  Sen. Dave Sokola Gets R Opponent.  One Victor John Setting II.  The website link at DOE doesn’t work, not generally a good sign.  Yet another real estate agent.  A familiar Rethug trope when it comes to finding candidates.  Get a little free pub, maybe expand business opportunities.

3.  D Frank Burns Files Against Mike Ramone. I’m trying to imagine this guy having a conversation with, say, Lumpy Carson.  Don’t know if he’s gonna run a serious campaign or if he’s simply agreed to run to fill the spot on the ballot.  I’d sure love to interview him, though.

4. Sophie Phillips Files In RD 18.  She will face Martin Willis in a primary to succeed David Bentz, who is retiring.  I know that she already has a great campaign team.

5. Is Career Hack Ken Woods Retiring?  Looks that way.  There is now a D primary in NCC Council District 1.  Neither candidate is Ken Woods.  Brandon Toole had already filed. His website could well have been designed by Russian bots.  Frank Maule filed yesterday.  His website–doesn’t exist. Yet.  He’s a firefighter/HAZMAT Inspector with the Wilmington Fire Department.

I think we’ve caught up.

Of note, Shane Darby has yet to file.  I’ve been told that her plan was to make it a ‘surprise’.  I don’t need any surprises.  File already! Then kick Nnamdi’s ass.

I’ll be updating until the activity stops.  Please stop on over to break whatever news you’ve got.  And to comment on what does, and doesn’t, happen.

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    You can follow along with today’s developments here:

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    As of 10:20, no new filings have been reported.

  3. El Somnambulo says:

    Shane Darby has filed! Will primary Nnamdi Chukwuocha.

    A game-changer indeed!

  4. El Somnambulo says:

    A slow day. Not unexpected since no City offices were up, nor were the key NCC offices.

    While there could still be a straggler, the only new candidate to file today was Shane Darby as a D in Rep. District 1.

    Once the filing deadline has passed, parties may still designate candidates to fill vacancies on the ballot. Filed candidates may still drop out.

    However, due to a change in the law, candidates may not abandon one race for another. Always made for great theatre, just not for good government. City of Wilmington candidates were far and away the worst offenders.

  5. Thanks for the shout-out! I don’t know about Russian Bots, but I did work on it myself.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      I’ll give you an example:

      “We, friends of Brandon Toole for New Castle County, strive to support our organizational members across the county in every sector of their work. We’re here to help voters further their communities because we believe that a higher standard of political service helps every citizen in New Castle County.”

      To me, that sounds like something a computer would spew out. Also:

      People are at the heart of our district. Working together to resolve issues and create a vibrant and health(y) community is at the heart of what I plan to do if elected to New Castle County Council.

      To me, I don’t know any more about you after having visited your home page as I did when I landed on it. Totally generic.

      HowEVER, you’re here now, I welcome you. Please share with us a little bit about who you are and why you’re running. You don’t even have a word limit!

      • Brandon Toole says:

        Thank you for the feedback, I will agree that I need to work on the copy a little more. But, I have a website! So, I’ll take what I can get.

        I’ve lived in District 1 since 2006, residing in the Villages of Crofton (Lakecroft II). I was interested in this position during the special election but was at a conference and out of town during the party meeting to elect a candidate, that’s when Kenny filled the position. I was the 18th RD (DEMS) Committee Treasurer since 2015 (now just a committee member since the reorganization, and actively engaged in politics throughout the State of Delaware.

        I’m a boots-on-the-ground candidate, looking to engage communities in making our district a great place to live. NCC District 1 covers parts of Rep. Districts 2, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26, and Senate Districts 3, 7, 9, 13, and 11. If Elected, I plan on being active in local communities, more than we have seen in the recent past.

        I’ve worked in the public sector, non-profit, and currently education, working for the University of Delaware for the past 10 years. Prior to that, I tried teaching at a now-defunct Pencader Charter High School.

        I’m a graduate of the University of Delaware, Goldey-Beacom College, and soon to complete my Ed.D. from Delaware State University.

        I’m open to new ideas and website copy editing. I appreciate Delaware Liberal’s feedback.

        I’m not a career politician, I got involved in politics to make a positive change for my community.

  6. The insider says:

    Mr Collins the seemingly 16 year old who filed as Republican against Councilwoman Durham seems confused about what he believes. His Facebook has him with Joe Biden buttons. Interests include 50 cent, tupac and South Park. Hmmmm.

    That’s the best the chamber can do?! Stop embarrassing yourselves

  7. ScarletWoman says:

    What – no Scott Walker??

  8. Frank R Burns says:

    Hi, I was hoping someone else would file, but I’m in it to win it. I spoke in favor of SB305 at the house hearing. It was my first brief and a very brief interaction with Carson but I don’t think we are destined to be drinking buddies. I would be happy to do an interview.