DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 16, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on July 16, 2022

House Does Less Than Nothing. Fools Press.  Kids: Here’s what the press is too dense to report–House leadership doesn’t WANT to remove McGuiness.  THEY know that the Governor is correct in his position. THEY know that starting impeachment proceedings in the House is the constitutionally-designated way to do this.  Instead, they send a letter to the Governor, on a Friday, of course, telling him to do what he has already committed to doing.  Paul Baumbach gets it right:

Baumbach in a brief interview on Friday said he felt the letter “directs the governor to do what the governor is already committed to do, so it didn’t feel like it was accomplishing anything.” He supports the Senate resolution.

“Legislators should look at legislative action,” he said, “and we’ll let the governor worry about the governor’s actions.”

McG couldn’t have asked for a more favorable result from her Kop Kompanion than this.  Which reminds me…

Peter C. Schwartzkopf - Delaware Representative - Open States

Your every wish is my command, all you gotta do is wiggle your little hand…I’m your puppet.

Uber Uber Alles:  Even more despicable than you thought.  Brilliant expose from the Washington Post. Worth a subscription on its own.  Uber shredded laws all over the world to wipe out the competition.

Biden Fist-Bumps Murderer.  Some are giving him a pass.  Not me:

Bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, is responsible for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, according to U.S. intelligence that Biden made public last year. He has also directed the brutal Saudi military campaign in Yemen and led a crackdown on Saudi human rights activists and government critics.

Biden changing his mind?  Why, that hasn’t happened since, um, bedtime:

Just last month, the president had told reporters: “I’m not going to meet with MBS. I’m going to an international meeting, and he’s going to be part of it.”

Abdullah Alaoudh, a Saudi activist whose cleric father has been detained by Saudi authorities since 2017, tweeted Friday that Biden was bumping “the same hands that have blood from killing Khashoggi and people of Yemen and activists inside!”

Weak, weak, weak.

Excessive Wealth Disorder:  Manchin could have helped to cure it.  He didn’t.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Disappointed says:

    What’s up with Madinah? Check out her twitter. Why is she doing Pete’s dirty work?

    • What’s up with trolls? Someone doing Pete’s ‘dirty work’ would not write something like this:

      “I’m supporting @DelawareWFP candidates bc we need new leadership in our state legislature so that Delaware becomes a state that works for working class people. The status quo must go.”

      If you judge an elected official by the enemies they make, Madinah is MY kind of elected official.

      BTW, this is the second time you’ve peddled this shit here. There won’t be a third time.

    • Alby says:

      If you want to know what’s up with Madinah, why don’t you ask Madinah?

      I’m not sure what she means by the comment, but what makes you think we have a decoder ring?

      • The monicker ‘Disappointed’ was a dead giveaway. Typical troll tactic–pretend to be ‘disappointed’ when, in fact, you’re just throwing feces.

  2. Alby says:

    I think what deserves highlighting in that article is the response from Sherry Dorsey-Walker when asked why she didn’t sign the letter:

    Dorsey Walker said, “What’s happening in the court system will ultimately determine what needs to be done.” When asked if she felt McGuiness should remain in office, Dorsey Walker said “that’s not a question for me to answer.”

    “I am taking care of business in my district,” she said.

    This is precisely what Mark Brunswick wrote about yesterday. I wonder if she tugged a forelock when she said it.

    • Where’s that ‘Like’ button? Maybe she didn’t want to piss off KMG/Pete supporters should she again run for Lt. Gov.

      Not to mention–the idea that she’s just SO BUSY helping her constituents that she doesn’t have time to sign the letter (just has time to talk about it) doesn’t compute.

      • Mike says:

        If that is Dorsey Walker’s strategy for a Lt. Gov run, she is not considering the electorate in the 14rd who have an axe to grind with Pete and Kathy. There are more voters than you think. Especially when her previous run was aimed at progressives.

    • Joe Connor says:

      just look at the evolution of the Dorsey Walker, KMG relationship. Opponents to besties. KMG has at least 2 friends;)

  3. Alby says:

    In other matters, Thom Hartmann looks at inflation in the US, which is going up even as it declines in the rest of the world and wages drop, both indications that the economy itself isn’t driving it.

    As Hartmann points out, for all the corporate dick-sucking Democrats do, they’d still prefer Republicans in office, and the best way to drive out Democrats is for the economy to suck.


    • puck says:

      The wealthy have grown tired of humoring all this worker power. The Fed never had any pretense of a soft landing and has grabbed the wheel and headed for the ditch. Recession and mass layoffs are coming. Next, we elect Republicans and implement more tax cuts for the rich – lather, rinse, repeat. Well, maybe not “repeat” if the fascists succeed.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Imagine asking (pretending) if Madinah is doing Pete’s dirty work. Lol. No, Jerry, no one’s buying it.

  5. cmonnow says:

    The WFP are literally people who do not want to be Democrats and can’t vote in Democratic primaries. I.E. They are not Democrats. Who cares what the hippy WFP thinks.

    • Alby says:

      What kind of dick do you have to be to think that being a Democrat is something to brag about?

    • I’m a Democrat, a Committee member in fact. I’m also a member of the Working Families Party. Virtually ALL WFP members are also registered Democrats. We support progressive candidates across the board. And vote in primaries.

      The WFP don’t have their own ballot line in Delaware.

      So, not only are you a dick. You’re an uninformed dick.

    • puck says:

      The Democratic Party is healthiest when it has a strong left wing.

  6. Mark Brunswick says:

    This thread is timely so I am moving up the part of my dive into Alice Dunbar-Nelson’s 1924 essay, ‘Delaware: A Jewel of Inconsistencies’. It is how Black politics became The Delaware Way.
    “…the Republican party can never win an election without him, and the Democratic party can easily ride into power on his shoulders…
    An amusing instance of this was rubbed home in the elections of 1922…
    …Negroes rose in their might and swept the Republican party out of power, returning a Democratic Senator, a Democratic Congressman to Washington, and electing a Democratic majority in the General Assembly…So the political situation lies in the hands of the Negro.”
    Just enough voters to swing an election and change the game at the right moment. That’s partly how Russ Peterson became governor. It’s also how elections became the biggest payday in the community. Street money and campaign contributions buy a lot of loyalty.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    Lotta new commenters….. very big (anonymous) “Democrats” who are big mad at Madinah and WFP. Haha. Get bent, Jerry!

  8. Paul T says:

    Is it possible that the speaker is waiting for all the reps who scheduled vacation right after session to return? I know it sounds screwed up, but I know a bunch of them were travelling right after session on scheduled trips.

    • No.

      The Senate is scheduled to meet next week to consider a resolution to start proceedings.

      The Speaker is/was virtually the only House member who was ‘unavailable for comment’ for two full weeks.

      Not even Rosemary Woods could contort herself into a position that plausibly explains Speaker Pete’s inaction.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Correct… why not say the House will reconvene and vote on August 8th? Senate scheduled a vote a week from today.

      But the way… you think all these progressive things house primaries has Pete’s old gray asshole tightening up? I bet it does.

      Ratchet up the pressure, folks