Calling All Spies, Calling All Spies…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 18, 2022

…I need help (stated Captain Obvious).

I can’t be everywhere at once, nor would I want to be in some of the locations I’m asking about today.  Yes, I’m talking mostly Kent and Suxco.

I have questions about many of the primary races there, and I need you to do my work for me. Be forewarned: We are sophisticated troll detectors, we know when someone is reciting campaign talking points. Trolls don’t last long here–one warning–one repeat offense–and they’re gone.

Having said that, can you help a guy out, and share your insights on the following races?:

1.  Huxtable vs. Bucchioni: D Primary-Senate District 6.  Ernie Lopez’ soon-to-be former district.  Are the candidates working hard? Who has the edge?  Who would have the edge in the general?

2.  The Five-Way D Senate Primary To Replace Bruce Ennis.  Who’s campaigning, who isn’t?  Who do you think has the edge?

3.  Bonini, Petters, Buckson Battle For (What Passes For) The Soul Of The Kent County Rethuglican Party.  My uninformed guess is that the Pistol-Packin’ Mama has the edge over the two more-or-less establishment R’s.  See why I need help?  BTW, I think the D’s could have had a shot.  It would’ve taken a filed candidate, though.

4.  Does Keegan Worley Have A Shot At The New RD 4 Seat, Especially Since There’s An R Primary Between Jeff Hilovsky And Bradley Layfield? 

There are likely several other races where I am similarly clueless.  However, pride prevents me from admitting it.  Yet.

C’mon, spies, do your stuff.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Don’t sleep on Buckson. Very high name rec and seems fairly well liked among R’s in spite of not being overtly crazy/active KKK member.

    • It’s really an interesting primary.

      One thing we know about Bonini–he WILL be outworked.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Buckson is running as a crazy, however. He’s got a “Let’s Go Buckson” sign and a “Keep And Bear Arms” one.

      In SD 6, it will be Huxtable by a mile in the primary – Jack is a joke – and a tougher race vs. Smyk, purely on name recognition.

      If Worley can get into the mobile home parks he can wrap this race up.

  2. Sussex Worker says:

    As to the 6th Senate Democratic primary, both candidates are qualified and working. Bucchioni has name recognition from his 2018 20th RD race against Steve Smyk. Huxtable is knocking on doors nearly every evening and weekend and looks like he is raising a lot more money. The reapportioned 6th has a sizable D plurality

    As to November, Steve Smyk is a hard sell. He is not a “moderate” like Ernie Lopez. Smyk voted against codifying Roe; against Marriage Equality; against reasonable gun regulations and against liveable wages. He would be a good fit in any Sussex senate district other than the 6th.

  3. A says:

    Buckson certainly has the edge, he’s been the Levy Court commish for much of the 16th district for many years now so mere constituent services has gotten his name out there.

    It’s certainly a nasty race though, I live in the district and can’t remember the last time I’ve seen so many signs around. Kim has been slinging mud on radio and Buckson has been on the defense on FB.

    Bonini has been radio silent and the only way you know he’s running is a single electronic billboard coming north on route 1 through Milford.

    • I figured it would be nasty. The D’s dropped the ball here, had a chance to pick up this seat.

      • Alby says:

        “The D’s dropped the ball here…”

        That’s been a feature of the current regime. That’s what you get when you make head of the party a hereditary position.

        • In fairness, it wasn’t a three-way primary until late in the game.

          Ordinarily, it’s a lean-R district, and probably moreso since redistricting.

          • Jason330 says:

            Still. A 41 district strategy has people ready to go in situations like this. There will always be “safe” seats but no candidate = no democracy.

            • I’m no longer a big fan of the ’41-district strategy’.

              Because it’s not just (or even primarily) about D’s vs. R’s, but about progressive D’s vs. Delaware Way D’s. Even with that approach, I think that the progressive grassroots has about all we can handle this time around. (I DO wish someone had primaried Lumpy and Bill Bush, though…)

              Let’s knock out the House leadership this time, then go after the holdouts next time.

          • A says:

            Delaware GOP doesn’t like primaries, it’s only a three way because Petters decided to challenge Bonini, Buckson wasn’t gonna get in it if no one was challenging Colin.

            We had a solid D run against him last cycle, not sure why she wouldn’t run again. She came within swinging distance of him.

        • Not Saying says:

          It seems like the division of labor here is that the state party seeks out candidates for the statewide races. The counties are largely responsible for recruitment within their sphere of influence.

          So, rather than put the blame on Maron, I’d say the Kent county chairman bears some responsibility for not having someone in that ballot spot.

    • A says:

      Equally as dirty is the race for Buckson’s Levy Court seat, the same match up that gave the 33rd Rep seat to Postles… Morgan Hudson VS. Bob Scott. An interesting race to watch

  4. A decent description of the five candidates running to fill Sen. Ennis’ seat can be found here:,83922