
Filed in National by on August 19, 2022

The kiddies among us may not remember, but when Ford pardoned Nixon he was praised for it by the sober centrists and moderates who just want everyone to get a long and make-pretend that crimes (when committed by the rich and powerful) are not crimes. (Those sober centrist idiots are still among us and mostly writing Op-Eds for the Washington Post and New York Times wondering if it seems unseemly and too partisan to pursue Trump for his many crimes.)

Beyond Op-Ed typists, this #bygones sentiment is blood that runs through the veins DC-based Democrats like Coons. It is because Democrats view themselves as being in the same social class as Republicans. “They can’t be criminals, because what does that say about us?”

Incredibly, Washington Post columnist Jason Willick seems to think that if Biden pardons Trump, “it could put the weary president back in the center of the political universe.” Also, a pardon would “make his former rival — if he accepts the humbling offer — appear small and weak.”

Willick is borrowing a Trump trick by calling Biden a “weary president.” It’s not much different than Trump’s schoolyard bully trick of giving people insulting nicknames, like “Sleepy Joe.”

If Biden were to make the mistake of pardoning the deeply corrupt Trump, the majority of Americans who are not in the MAGA Qnut cult would be sick to their stomachs. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them stopped voting altogether, because the message of a Trump pardon would be that the rich and powerful can break any law with impunity.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Maybe, just MAYBE, if we’re nice to them, they won’t investigate whatever is/was on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

    Said no intelligent human being ever.

    • mediawatch says:

      Haven’t you heard? The nuclear secrets stored in those boxes at Mar-a-Lago were downloaded from Hunter’s laptop.

      • Alby says:

        The funny thing about the obsession with the laptop is that you don’t need a laptop with planted evidence to see Hunter Biden is a sleazeball. But if they attacked every sleazeball they’d be punching the mirror.

  2. bamboozer says:

    The whole ” centrist” game reminds me of the famed “If we cut the taxes of the rich they’ll move back to Delaware!” that I’ve heard since 1974, that’s a pathetic lie and so is Coons famed “my good friends in the Republican party”. The failure is a rather dense electorate that cannot tell the difference between those that are out to get them and those intent on helping them. All that and down here in central Delaware we’ve got Hunter Biden hard drives stacked up like cord wood out to the pole barn, just waiting for the Republicans to find anything worth a good god damn on them.

  3. Arthur says:

    The other thing with bygone eras was 30 years and more ago there wasn’t constant streams of news and infotainment. You could only fit so much into your local paper and local news. If some wackadoodle in Wyoming was doing something stupid you had no idea if you lived in Wilmington. And the national news only focused on major political issues. Now we know if a local sheriff in Arizona arrested a woman for breastfeeding in public

  4. Delawarelefty says:

    Fuck the pardon. Time to prepare Gitmo as the Trump crime family’s final home.