Return The Dark Money, Larry!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 24, 2022

Rethuglican Dark Money at that.

Kop Kabalist Larry Mitchell, who is in a neck-and-neck primary battle with DeShanna Neal,  just received an influx of dark money from LLC’s that, by definition, can hide behind their corporate status.

In this case, the money came from a single ‘address’, 100 Rockland Falls Road, DE 19732.

Here are the generous donor(s), and the amount they (she?) handed off to this ex-cop who has already banked three pensions:


Felton Development, LLC:  $600

Investors Really LLC:  $600

LWV Investments LLC:  $600

Oh, here’s one I missed. Check this out:

Mr. Andrew Strine UNKNOWN, UNK Delaware 00000: $600 (Just hold this one in abeyance for a couple more lines)

Ms. Teresa B. Strine (listed at the 100 Rockland Falls address, but likely not her real address):  $600

Rehoboth Bay Conservancy LLC: $60.  Probably a mistake. Likely dropped that last zero.

Teresa B. Lakeland Park, Inc. : $600 (I typed that one into the search engine, since it’s allegedly a corporation.  No matches.)

Walker Mill LLC:  $600.

OK, we learned something from that Andrew Strine, address unknown, contribution.  He’s a, wait for it, developer.  He wants to build (or maybe he’s already built) a huge ages-specific community near Magnolia, DE.   Oh, and he’s also the President of DE Storage.  Oh, and he’s also the agent of record for LWV Investments.  And just check out the address listed on that document: 1207 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, DE 19806.  That’s the same address where Teresa Strine is registered to vote.

Collectively, they have donated through these various entities at least $4860 to Kop Kabalist Larry Mitchell.

Why, Larry?  What are they getting in return?  And why are Rethug developers flooding your campaign with money?   And late in the process, at that?

You are welcome to come on here and try to explain why these two Rethugs love you so much and want to share their success with you.  Like I promised Deb Heffernan, who chose not to take me up on the offer, we will publish your comments free from any snide editorial responses.

Otherwise, you probably should return the money.  It’s not as if you need it to run a campaign.  It’s solely designed to curry special interest favors from you should you be reelected.

The folks in your district might look askance at who you really represent.  Call’s yours.

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    Bolden has $4800 from the same address and on her report terry strine is listed as the same address!

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    Rethug developer money flowing to D’s who want to make sure that renters don’t have any legal recourse whatsoever.

  3. Alby says:

    The whole list is a Delaware Way Who’s Who. Artesian Water. ACEC (construction engineers), the Teamsters, Carpenters and Delaware River pilots unions. Delaware Park and Harrington Raceway. Liquor distributors Standard, United and NKS.

    Lobbyists Chris DiPietro (CDi Consulting), Bob Byrd (only $300, must be pissed at him), Parkowski, Guerke & Swayze. Pete Schwartzkopf and State Treasurer Colleen Davis, through their campaign committees.

    And so on. Not a single donation of less than $100.

    BTW, Lakeland Park LLC is, like Rehoboth Bay Conservancy and Felton Development, is a mobile home park operator.

    • Joe Connor says:

      Speaking of Trailer Parks Mr. AND Mrs. Robbie Tunnel of Pot Nets fame Maxed out as well:)

  4. bamboozer says:

    Gee, it’s almost like democracy is for sale in Delaware, regardless of the party involved.

  5. DelawareLibBitch69 says:

    Biden’s Delaware. Show us the Dark Money!!!

    • Alby says:

      Not just Biden, though, is it?

    • John Kowalko says:

      Don’t think for one minute that the Republicans in Delaware don’t get massive donations from those manufactured housing moguls and those Chamber of Commerce degenerates and climate change denying special interests. The Republican pukes “instigate” most of these encroachments on the public interests but the ultimate “horror” story is the Democrats who so willingly go along with all of these ideological perversions so they can get a donation or support from the wealthy special interests. The “Delaware Way” is alive and well. Just listen to the “silence of the lambs” attitude on the change to retirees benefits that will screw every retiree. Imposed and supported by this Governor and his “Budget Smoothing” Secretary Geisenberger and all of the (active employee) leadership who couldn’t/don’t give a damn about retirees. I’ve reached out to all of the sitting legislators to investigate and challenge this forced mandate and have only heard “crickets”. Only Madinah has responded with an offer to help otherwise “nothing”. I will post some of the email content if I’m given permission by the senders. This is an equal opportunity ploy to cut costs on the backs of state retirees and betray our obligations to them.
      We should have a signed pledge from every Democratic candidate Primary or general) that they insist on this plan being delayed/cancelled until properly vetted by retirees and legislators. Don’t want to sign don’t ask for support.
      Representative John Kowalko

  6. RE Vanella says:

    As mentioned in the open thread, come to the cookout canvass tomorrow. Let’s get DeShanna Neal to Dover.…

    I’m posting up at my friend’s spot grilling chicken, burgers, veg burgers and salt/pepper tofu. Join a canvass group. Fact is money doesn’t vote. LLCs don’t vote. Sussex developers aren’t in DeShanna’s district.

    Go out and tell the folks who live there the real story of Larry Mitchell (if that’s his real name). And that they have a real alternative.

    We’ll be set up 3-8pm. Will we be shooting video for a special patreon video episode? There’s a rumor in Elsmere that we are.

  7. El Somnambulo says:

    BTW, coming tomorrow: ‘Oh my goodness. Larry, you DIDN’T.’

    Why, yes, yes he did.

  8. Jason330 says:

    If Republicans are losing the dark money race to Democrats it is only because the DEGOP is fucking moribund outside of Suxco. Who would give money to, and try to curry favor with an organization in which these guys are thought leaders:

    Dave G. Lawson, aka a candy-ass pussy
    Colin Bonini, aka a fat sack of nothing
    David L. Wilson, aka a drippy fart
    Brian Pettyjohn, aka spinless twerp
    Gerald W. Hocker, aka limp-dick loser
    Bryant L. Richardson, aka scab-covered homunculus

  9. John Kowalko says:

    With reprint permission

    One example follows.
    Good Morning Everyone . . . Thank you for keeping me in the loop. I presently live in Sussex County and contacted Rep. Lopez who was unavailable. I spoke with his assistant who began to gush over how exciting this advantage plan is and how we are all getting, “MISINFORMATION.” Having served as Vice-President of the Christina Education Association, I immediately contacted the CEA’s present VP, Dave Kohan, who was very upset by the states lack of transparency in allowing their members to be aware in advance of what was to come. Dave advised me to call the DSEA Retiree President Maureen Keeney. Once again, another gusher began to tell me I would still have “Medicare” and nothing would change. Actually, she said the coverage was going to be soooooo much better.

    Please find below news articles and the strategies that were used by the NYC teacher and other worker retirees. We only have 6 weeks left before open enrollment and need a judge to grant an injunction to stop the state’s vision for OUR health plan. NYC workers filed a class action lawsuit. Below is a list of things they did, some facts about the plan and articles that will address why this plan is not a right fit for us.

    Please share your thoughts. If you are opting out of the advantage plan and staying with Medicare, could you share other supplemental group health programs you are considering? Also, please share your thoughts on how you think we should fight this? I will be speaking with the Jeff Taschner, Executive Director later this morning with questions as to why retirees who are not happy with the switch are not being heard.
    Sent to Rep. Kowalko

  10. Whiny Striney says:

    If those entities all share the same members, and are thus under the control of the same individuals, this is a campaign finance violation.

    • Jason330 says:

      Someone call the State Election Commissioner, Anthony J. Albence

      (302) 739-4277

      I would but I just gave myself a manicure.

    • Alby says:

      Good luck proving it. Delaware corporations don’t have to reveal their officers, just their treasurer.