Dear Mike Castle, WTF?

Filed in National by on August 11, 2007

Congressman Castle,

By some measures you are a liberal Democrat. You like socialized medicine. You vote for every tree huggining bill that the hippies in Congress can come up with to make us less competitive in a global market. Like many of us liberals, you favor taking guns away from law abiding citizens but leaving them in the hands of criminals. Best of all you are all for women getting abortions on demand and have really pushed for experiments to be performed on frozen baby embryo Americans.

But yet when it comes to Iraq you are loyal to George Bush. You have voted for 100% of the blank checks he has asked for and you continue to favor his open ended “stay the course” policy. What is the deal with that? Does he have pictures of you snorting coke off an intern’s ass? I mean, seriously – what the fuck?


Jason Scott
Delaware Liberal

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. miles north says:

    Hmmm… no wonder Castle is hiding from his constituents this August. His good buddy Sen. Snowe is basking in the glow of an actual independent voting record:

    Everyone loves a rebel.

    Sen. Olympia Snowe, who split from the Senate Republican caucus and President Bush last month to support a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, couldn’t take more than a few steps before being stopped Thursday on a walking tour of Portland. In small groups, people approached Maine’s senior senator to clutch her hand and congratulate her.

    “We’re ready for the war to end. We’d like our troops to come home,” said Michael Zielinski, 45, of Phippsburg, leaning from his booth at Becky’s Diner.

    Later, on a curb in downtown Portland, others pressed forward. “The surge isn’t working,” said Susan Hudson-Wilson, 55, of Chebeague Island. “Every kid who dies from now on, it’s just – you really want to go right to that kid’s parents and apologize.”

    …Snowe’s call for the removal of most U.S. troops – and her support for an unsuccessful Democratic amendment to the defense spending bill, which would have imposed an April 2008 deadline – puts her in the middle of Maine public opinion, which became obvious as she spent Thursday talking to people in Portland, Brunswick and Saco.

    Portland Press-Herald via DailyKos

  2. Chris says:

    “But yet when it comes to Iraq you are loyal to George Bush. You have voted for 100% of the blank checks he has asked for and you continue to favor his open ended “stay the course” policy. What is the deal with that?”

    Hey. Even Mike Castle is entitled to do the right thing once and a while.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Chris, you are a scream! Funny stuff.

  4. r smitty says:

    Jason, you know that I work right near him. I have been known to remind him by the coffee shop that he is getting a little too cozy to you. It’s about you and nothing else. I figured it was time to lay that on the table.

  5. jason330 says:

    He must need a new picture of me for his office dart board by now. I can get him one of my signed headshots if he is tired of that old yearbook picture.