“If I press this button, the economy goes ka-plooey!”

Filed in National by on September 29, 2022

Whenever we happen to have a Not-Republican President the GOP brings a big hammer out of the closet. The hammer is called “debt limit brinksmanship”, and they use it to threaten to smash the economy. The media plays along because that’s how they make money, and quarterly profits rule their world.

The Not-Republican President, in this case Biden, needs to stop playing this idiotic game.

Dark Brandon Was Put On This Earth To Mint The Trillion Dollar Coin

It is his destiny.

If Democrats don’t use their power to act against this threat, it will be a serious dereliction of duty. Here’s a start: Pass legislation in the lame-duck session that will disable coming GOP threats to default on the nation’s borrowing limit (causing financial havoc), which Republicans will try to use as leverage to force major concessions from Democrats.

They will threaten to blow up the world, and “everyone” will agree that the Democrats have no choice but to given in to their demands. There is another way

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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