Conservatives agree; we need another 3,000 dead.

Filed in National by on August 11, 2007

I thought Stu Jack-offsky was an isolated crazy person. Nope.

Conventional widsom on the right now holds that that we need another 9/11 to “wake us up.”

If we are attacked by Saudi Arabia again and 3,000 more Americans get killed– they will be proven right. Even dirty hippies like me will agree Islam-ofacists are bad bad terror guys (worser that HITLER!!).

And we will all be scared again just like the in the good old days: 9/12, 9/13 & 9/14. Then we can attack Iran. We will all agree to support the President again and ignore the criminal stupidity again.

We’ll give him even more powers because if he only had a lttle more power he can stop the bad bad terror guys. (For real this time.)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. when talking points have no where to go but up.

  2. Chris says:

    Once again, your lack of grasp on the English language shows itself.

    There is a world of difference between this particular comment and that of Stu’s. Stu was actually hoping for this to happen as an exacerbation to our partisanship. Whatever his reason, he was definitely over the line because he was actually “wishing” it.

    Mr. Milligan was in know way wishing for this to happen (except maybe in your narrow-minded view). While his words were a little clumsy, his point was easily discernible by the non-rabid. He was indicating that while their is little support for the war at this point, it is because the events of 9/11 have sadly faded with time, and people have become complacent again. He was indicating that “if” such an event were to occur (God forbid), that the support/non-support numbers would flip-flop over night. And on that point his is entirely correct.

  3. jason330 says:

    Admit it Chris. You want us to get hit again.

  4. Chris says:

    “Admit it Chris. You want us to get hit again.”

    No. I don’t. That is the last thing I want. I don’t want to even have to go through that feeling of helplessness again, of sheer terror wondering what was going to be hit next. Watching the towers collapsing and knowing in that instant the thousands of lives being extinguished. Or imagining the stabbing pain felt by family members that were watching the towers collapse live when only minutes before their loved ones called them from 80 floors up. Or watching the ungodly scene of 1000’s of Palestinian children cheering the falling of the towers and the death of nearly 3,000 Americans.

    It amazes me with what callousness you supposedly “compassionate” liberals dismiss 9/11 as just some right-wing scare tactic (or conspiracy which you yourself (I pray jokingly)have stated on this very blog).
    Those of you liberals that don’t, certainly dismiss it as a tool of the GOP to overblow the seriousness of, in an effort to “scare” the public. As if the threat doesn’t exist.

    Well guess what…it DID exist and it DID happen! And while we have done much to fight it, it STILL EXISTS. And the more you downplay it, the more complacent everyone becomes and the better our chances that this, hopefully once in lifetime, event will tragically occur again.

    It is the intense desire to PREVENT this from ever happening again that drives my support of our efforts overseas. We have debated to death whether or not Iraq should be part of the fight….but we are fighting…and terrorists have died! Maybe we have created more…I don’t know. But a great many with designs on killing us have be silenced.

    Your statement above sir, would be tantamount to me saying that you eagerly scan the news everyday, hoping you can increase the U.S. soldier body count so that you can get more support for your “retreat” position. I have been on this board long enough to know that if I EVER pulled the same voting lever as you, I would declare myself “unfit” and check in to one the Minner’s hell hole institutions. But even I don’t believe you hope to add to the body count. If I am wrong, and you do, then my apologies.

    Now get out your Crayola 8-pack jumbo crayons and make more signs….you know like “Please Mr. Terrorist, don’t hurt us. Its not nice”. That should pretty much complete the Democratic plan for the war on terror.

  5. jim center says:

    Hi folks, sorry to be intruding in this thread, but,

    anyone been following:
    these voting machines are what we use in OUR STATE,

    I seem to remember a couple of months ago the retiring election commish said these machines could “never” be tampered with and were totally “secure”

    Please folks, I’ll do the first questioning of the Elections Dept., can you follow up?