New Delaware Law Ends Many Fines And Fees That Criminalize Poverty

Filed in National by on October 5, 2022

…thanks to a sweeping reform bill (HB 244) signed on Monday, Delaware has become a national leader in ending abusive fines and fees. The Campaign to End Debtor’s Prisons led a bipartisan coalition, including the Institute for Justice and the state chapters of the ACLU, and NAACP, to support the bill.

Sponsored by Rep. Sean Lynn, HB 244 bans courts from charging interest or imposing fees for late payments, failing to pay, or paying in installments. The new law further repeals two particularly absurd fees that have netted the state a steady stream of revenue—over $1.1 million each year. First, it eliminates a fee that forces people on probation to pay for their own supervision. The reform also repeals the state’s fee for using a public defender, even though public defenders famously do not charge clients for their services; over 40 states charge a similarly oxymoronic fee.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (20)

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  1. Grant Brunner says:

    Eliminating these and other fees is great, no argument here. Thumbs up on this policy from me.

    However, let’s temper our praise for Lynn with the fact that he backed the corporate climate denier who was running against Kerri Evelyn Harris. I’ve lost what respect I had for Lynn.

  2. Mike says:

    Yes. And Sara McBride backed Heffernan as well as Matt Meyer. Going forward, these endorsements are tough to forget.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Sean Lynn did not support Keri’s opponent. This thread needs moderation but I’m on my phone.

    • It sure looks like he did. If that wasn’t an endorsement, I don’t know what is. Hope I’m wrong.

    • Grant Brunner says:

      What does posting an image of yourself that says “I’m with Phil. I support democrat Phil McGinnis. He’s the best choice to protect our rights. Sean Lynn, state rep.” mean if it’s not an endorsement? I linked to the Facebook page where he announced it.

    • Joe Connor says:

      State Representative Sean Lynn
      August 30 ·
      Growing up in Dover, “McGinnis” was a household name in our family. When my parents moved here, the McGinnis family was one of their first friends – a friendship that ended up lasting a lifetime, and has now has spanned generations.

      What I learned early was that the name McGinnis was synonymous with trust. With honesty. With integrity. So much so, that when my late father retired, he went to work for McGinnis Realty.

      I am proud to call Phil and Pam McGinnis, together with their daughters, my friends. Phil has served this community for decades as a local Realtor, and anyone who has a pet likely has met his wife, Pam, one of the most compassionate animal lovers I’ve ever met and a fixture at Governors Avenue Animal Hospital.

      Today I am proud to announce my support of my friend, Phil McGinnis, as the next democratic State Representative for the 32nd District. While my family taught us early that the McGinnis name meant decency – Phil, as my friend, as my Realtor, and as my next Colleague in the Legislature, has shown me that he embodies those qualities.

      When we are looking for those to represent us in government, we do so knowing that we aren’t always going to agree on all the issues. Accordingly, what we look for, in the end, is good judgment, consistency, candor, and communication.

      In Phil, I see these qualities. While I know we won’t always agree, or see issues the same way, but what I do know is that he will make good decisions, be open about his thoughts and rationale, and that I will always know where he stands. In the end, that’s what matters in an elected official.

      Please join me in supporting Phil McGinnis for State Representative for the 32nd

  4. Andrew C says:

    I always thought it was funny that I was forced to wear an ankle monitor, AND I had to pay for the damn thing. Hope that has been eliminated by this law.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    So I guess Sean took the L? Are we supposed to pretend none of that happened?

    What’s the editorial standard here? No ed note. Just memory holed? OK. Cool.

    • No, asshole.

      I took it down at the poster’s request.

      • RE Vanella says:

        And mine? He’s a elected official. Lol..

        Good standard here! Great job buddy. So yeah we’ll pretend he never made a 4 paragraph post and then got owned by me in 4 words. Very cool forum this.

        • Attention, folks: The Bedroom Bolshevist would like you to know that Sean Lynn got owned by him in 4 words.


          BTW, feel free to set up your OWN very cool forum.