Ruth Briggs King is a Dangerous MAGA Extremist

Filed in National by on October 6, 2022

As if more evidence was needed, the Herschel Walker abortion revelations and subsequent shrug by the GOP testifies to the fact that Republicans are all about power and not interested in policies – not even a little bit.

Similarly, but on a smaller scale, Ruth Briggs King is a dangerous MAGA extremist. She head-faked and made me think that she was going to respond. That’s why this is a long delayed verdict.

And really, why wouldn’t she blow off the questions? In the context of the GOP being all about boosting the turnout of radicals on elections day, the questions don’t even make sense.

“Was Joe Biden legitimately elected?” Who the fuck cares? The only germane question is – Does allowing dummies and losers believe that Trump won boost turnout? If it does, then ok. Joe Biden was installed by China or whatever.

If anyone is interested, my exchange with Ruth Briggs King is below.

Via FB Messenger – Hi! This is Jason from we are trying to figure out which DEGOP elected officials are MAGA extremist and which are normal Republicans. I sent you a an email about it. Can you let me know if you got it, or if you have a better email address? Thanks

Thanks I prefer no legislative email go to


Hi- with the correct email, I was thinking that you may respond to the questionnaire. It is just three questions so let me know if I should be expecting a reply. Thanks

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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