Trolls Gotta Troll

Filed in National by on October 7, 2022

Nobody is ever going to have a perfect progressive record on policy or on endorsements. I’ve been doing this long enough to remember when John Kowalko’s liberal credentials were called into question after one vote. Absurd. Look at the body of work.

Trying to call out McBride or Lynn as not progressive enough is just drive by trolling.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Also, FWIW, I’m glad being leftist is now the normative state in Delaware politics and being anything else is the disgusting deviant position.

  2. I take your point. However, Lynn’s endorsement of McGinnis shocked me b/c it was so out-of-character, particularly for someone who endorsed Kerri in 2018. I didn’t consider it trolling for someone to point that out.

    Still, you’re right about looking at the body of work.

    • jason330 says:

      First time commenter with the name something like “ProudDem” calling out someone for not being liberal enough = troll.

      • Grant Brunner says:

        When I pointed it out, I used my real name and picture. I am active in Delaware politics. I’m not trolling, I’m calling out Lynn’s shitty actions.

        Sweeping it away as trolling is ridiculous. Lynn did those things and people should know about it.

  3. puck says:

    I think of Delaware’s newest progressives not as leftists but as moving politics back to the center (which is further left than the media would like). I’d count McBride in that group so far but time will tell. In the meantime we still need to distinguish between constructive criticism and actual trolling.

  4. Only fitting that a troll got blacklisted on the ‘Trolls Gotta Troll’ blog.

  5. jason330 says:

    There are true sell-outs and frauds among the D’s in Leg Hall. But for me, the bigger point is that people like Lynn and McBride are going to be ally’s with the news voices coming in.