DL Open Thread Wednesday November 2 2022

Filed in National by on November 2, 2022
I just love this headline.   

With its huge new debt burden, Twitter makes less money per year than what it owes its lenders in interest

No wonder Musk is trying to squeeze $8 a month from Stephen King.  Via the New York Times

My prediction for the midterms: Heads they win, Tails We Lose 

Sean Hannity says “you can never trust the vote counting” in Nevada, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Fulton and DeKalb counties

Hannity: “I always have my suspicions. I can’t say for sure, but they’re always there”

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): We’re gonna have a tough race in Nevada. You can never trust the vote counting out in Nevada in my view, just like Milwaukee or Philly or some of the other areas of the country. Fulton or DeKalb County, I always have my suspicions. I can’t say for sure, but they’re always there.

At the urging of the colonized, France was getting out of the overseas colony business in 1953.  On November of that year Cambodia became a constitutional monarchy and adopted a flag that looked like this one. From 1970 until 1992 it wasn’t a constitutional monarchy.  The monarchy was restored in 1993 as was the flag.Together with the flags of Portugal, San Marino and Spain, it is only one of four state flags to feature a building, and the only to feature a temple and not a castle.

On this date in 1889 North Dakota was admitted to the union as the 39th U.S. state and South Dakota as the 40th.   They have 4 senators and a combined population of 20,000.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. DJT Toadstool says:

    It’s been my experience, which is definitely biased and littered with blind spots, that the least trustworthy frequently express their own suspicions.

  2. Alby says:

    Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity…can’t quite place the name. Didn’t he used to be on Fox or something?

  3. The MoMo says:

    Calling SussexWatcher … would love an explainer thread on the many recent Huxtable/Smyk updates including letters to the editor in Cape Gazette?

  4. Coming tomorrow (this is me enforcing a deadline on myself):

    “El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em Almost All For You”. I’m 2200 words in. Who knows what the final count will be.

  5. Andrew C says:


    I don’t even live in this Senate district but I see this add for Pugh every day on the computer.

    He misspelled “groceries.”

  6. Alby says:

    Too busy trimming his bro beard.