“Whites First” Ad on WSTW

Filed in National by on November 9, 2022

Did anyone else hear the rabidly racist, white nationalist radio ad on WSTW yesterday? It was enclosed by two statements from the station that they didn’t endorse the whites first, Democrats are all black lesbians out to castrate white men* message of the ad.

*That’s not a direct quote. I’m trying to get to the spirit of the ad.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (31)

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  1. I saw the ad on TV. Figured it was a last-minute piece o’ shit to drive all the racists to the polls.

    Doesn’t look like it worked. WSTW should never have permitted that ad to run.

  2. jason330 says:

    If you have to surround something with two long statements from the legal department – yeah, maybe don’t run that ad.

  3. mediawatch says:

    Mon-ey. Mon-ey.
    It’s all about the mon-ey.
    And, IMHO, even if corporate felt the need for disclaimers, there had to be someone in the operation who agreed strongly enough with the message to make the case for accepting the check.

  4. Jason330 says:

    If that made it to WSTW, I can only imagine the deluge of racist hate that made it into WDEL

  5. puck says:

    I think you mean this ad from Stephen Miller and his “America First Legal – the long-awaited answer to the ACLU”. Yes it is jarring.


  6. Alby says:

    The stations were sold a while back to an outfit from Pennsyltucky, so don’t be surprised.

  7. Arthur says:

    Its amazing these types of ads are allowed on both radio and tv but the fcc fined stern repeatedly for parody

  8. john kowalko says:

    WDEL has been unapologetically running that disgusting ad for a few days now. I tried to contact management but there is no one to talk to so I resorted to texting Dick Denseman and his “lawn-boy” producer Randi. I won’t call that station and personally speak to them so that they can hang up or interrupt me but they have read my texts on the air and I try to be insulting as much as I can.
    Today they had Jane Brady (titular head of the Delaware Repukes) to explain how well they conducted yesterday’s elections and it was pretty much nonsensical mutterings on “Jane’s Addiction” to R failures so I sent a text to wit:
    “Hey Denseman, I hope Jane Brady has bought a case of lipstick to put on that Republican Party pig of hers. Maybe a little less fear mongering and racist innuendo and more policy advocacies would work. Oh, by the way kudos to your station management for running those “white people are victims of racism” commercials. It’s difficult to imagine a media site more disgusting than “Infowars” but you guys are trying. Congrats to Fetterman” signed Rep. Kowalko
    Well, they read the text on air but ended short of the part referencing that ad and Infowars. Cowardly, disgusting, petty little race-baiters they are and will ever be. Where oh where has my FCC gone?
    Representative John Kowalko

  9. Charles Truthier says:

    It’s okay to be White.

  10. ForeverMediaBlows says:

    Listened to WSTW today for the first time in ages. I defected to siriusxm over the horrible Apple Auto ads…most annoying things ever. Was trying to catch a traffic report and heard this Whites First ad today and was totally shocked. If you have to stick a disclaimer before the ad, you know you’re already in trouble. WSTW will literally air anything to make a buck. They’d put live audio of a rape or murder on the air if they thought there was any money in it. Back to other options.

    • jason330 says:

      I agree. I kinda remember when they had standards.

    • john kowalko says:

      Don’t forget WDEL also runs that crap for ad dollars and refuses to acknowledge my objections to that type of content. Dick Jensen and his lawn-boy producer must agree with it since they choose to ignore my written protests on the air. Hey when shit don’t stick to Biden or Hunter’s laptop let’s race bait our feeble-minded listeners.
      Rep. John Kowalko

      • Alby says:

        You’re barking up the wrong tree. You need to call the front office. Or the station’s other advertisers to tell them you won’t buy from anyone who advertises with them.

        • NascarDad says:

          No need to shill for Rick. He made his money and could be retired already. If he found the goons at Forever Media morally objectionable, he would have gone off air and be none the worse for it. Instead, hes soaking up gravy and filling the airwaves with brain poison.

          • Alby says:

            You are wildly misinformed about the pay scale of local radio.

          • NascarDad says:

            So your saying Rick is secretly poor and we should feel sorry for him? You know as well as I do that he has side businesses and property. He may not be filthy rich but he is comfortable.

            In a way this is such a weird Coonsian/dDelaware Way flex. You don’t have to work with the guy or live near him but there is this irrational desire to go to bat for him. I actually live full time here and I have to engage with the culture he is actively building up. His actions have demonstrated that he is fundamentally
            a bad person.

          • Alby says:

            The fact that you have to jump to “you’re saying he’s poor” shows the weakness of your argument. When someone has to exaggerate the position of an opposing argument, it’s a sign of how weak the person’s position really is.

            You don’t know shit about his actions, only what he says on the radio. I know him and you don’t. For you he’s an abstraction, for me he’s an actual person.

            In what way is it a “flex” to point out that you’re misinformed? I’m not flexing, I’m pointing out that you’re making assumptions based on very little information. Sorry that pointing that out translates as a “flex” to you.

            Also, too, I have an inherent antagonism towards people who want other people to quit their jobs in order to prove some sort of moral worthiness. It takes an astounding amount of arrogance to take that position.

          • NascarDad says:

            Rick Jensen simps for fascists. Just accept it.

            Whatever space he made for you back in the day, it’s not a hill to die on. He has a mouthpiece, he uses it for the wrong side, he is a bad person, period. I can’t afford to decamp to
            France if things go really south, so maybe I’m a bit more conscious of that problematic behavior than others

          • Alby says:

            I’m not dying on a hill. I was pointing out — to someone else, not you — that Jensen isn’t going to read something on the air criticizing station management because he’d lose his job.

            All I know about you is that you’re a judgmental person with poor judgment. I saw that when you told us that Joe Biden should have controlled his adult son. Frankly, I don’t think you know dick about what makes a bad person, because you don’t recognize the one in the mirror.

            Given the choice between you and him, I’ll take him.

  11. Becca says:

    I did not have the opportunity to hear this ad until yesterday afternoon. I am beyond livid. It’s on WSTW and WDEL and is running as ads locally on people’s apps. Why are we not doing anything, I mean something? Why is everyone not screaming about it? Figuring out the best way to hit them in the pocket book. Have we really forgotten how propaganda works? I work to help us recognize and combat their unconscious bias. These ads will make those biases worse. Garbage in Garbage out.

    • Christine says:

      Lynn Deppen is the president of Forever Media. The Forever Media website has their “creed” which begins with “We believe that our first responsibility is to the advertisers who invest in our stations.” After listening since WSTW started in 1978 I will not listen to anymore due to hearing this disgusting ad. Also, I will not patronize any business that advertises with them and I have e-mailed WSTW to tell them and wrote a paper letter to Corporate Office at the addresses I found on their website https://www.forevermediainc.com
      Office Line
      (814) 941.9800
      Mailing Address
      1 Forever Drive,
      Hollidaysburg, PA 16648

      Office Line
      (412) 221.1629
      Mailing Address
      1370 Washington Pike, Suite 406,
      Bridgeville, PA 15017

  12. jason330 says:

    It seems obvious that the only post-Citizens United “winners” are radio and TV stations. They are raking in ungodly HEAPS of cash.

    • Alby says:

      No, actually, they are not. The entire Delmarva Broadcasting chain was sold for $18 million. Radio is dying a slower death than print, but it’s still dying.

      They accepted these ads because that’s who they are, not for the money.

      If you really want to do something, call up the local advertisers and tell them you won’t patronize their businesses if they keep advertising. Then call the station and tell them you’ve done it.

      You’d be amazed at how few phone calls it will take to make them shit themselves.

      • Jason330 says:

        “You’d be amazed at how few phone calls it will take to make them shit themselves.”

        I lol’ed

      • Christine says:

        Lynn Deppen is the president of Forever Media. The Forever Media website has their “creed” which begins with “We believe that our first responsibility is to the advertisers who invest in our stations.” After listening since WSTW started in 1978 I will not listen to anymore due to hearing this disgusting ad. Also, I will not patronize any business that advertises with them and I have e-mailed WSTW to tell them and wrote a paper letter to Corporate Office at the addresses I found on their website https://www.forevermediainc.com
        Office Line
        (814) 941.9800
        Mailing Address
        1 Forever Drive,
        Hollidaysburg, PA 16648

        Office Line
        (412) 221.1629
        Mailing Address
        1370 Washington Pike, Suite 406,
        Bridgeville, PA 15017

      • puck says:

        Is the ad still running? I expect it will stop until the next campaign season, so we won’t know if it stopped because we called, or because they weren’t being ordered anymore.

        Lather, rinse, repeat for the next campaign season. The ad will have played thousands of times and the campaign will be over before an advertiser boycott puts its shoes on.

  13. Carol says:

    I heard it today and was totally disgusted that they would run such a thing! They are that low that they would do this and take money for it?? I changed the channel. Done.

  14. john kowalko says:

    Today, ON THE AIR, Rick Jensen stated that an acquaintance of his told him that wealthy white women support abortion because it will be a way to have less black children being born. Would not name the individual who conveyed this to him but he still verbalized this disgusting allegation on the air.
    He then took a call from one of his psycho-racist listeners who said that, (I’ll try to quote from memory here), “blacks and other minorities shouldn’t be allowed to vote since they don’t or can’t understand what they are voting for”. Then this same perverted piece of trash said that even his own family members should not be voting (including himself since he used to vote for Biden)
    What makes this even more disgusting and offensive is the fact that Jensen NEVER, EVER disputed this guys obvious bigotry but also did nothing to interrupt or stop him. Jensen is a loathsome and despicable waste of a human who glories in innuendo, race-baiting and hatred and who spews unadulterated lies and out of context misrepresentations to foment fear and anger. Any public media source such as WDEL that allows and encourages such disgraceful conversations should have its license revoked. All of WDEL advertisers should be listed and if they refuse to intervene in this matter they should have their products and services boycotted. “STOP THE FEAR, LOATHING AND HATRED”.
    John Kowalko