
Filed in National by on November 9, 2022

A breakdown of the mid-term vote by age and race reveals that white people between the age of 45 and 64 are the absolute worst. White people over the age of 64 are a close second, and white people 30-44 are not exactly superstars.

And yes…It is more than a little embarrassing to be in the demographic cohort most dedicated to toxic MAGA nonsense.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Aieee! Being old and white…. It burns!!!! But only if your old and stupid, and as ever being a racist makes it worse. As ever “change” is generational , it takes time to wake the hell up, especially in the south. We dodged a far right bullet this time, just barely, but the stupid is still strong and no doubt will be back.

    • DJT Toadstool says:

      Part of growing old is coming to terms with one’s own stupidity. For those of us with significantly below average intelligence, realizing that we have survived this long in spite of our ignorance is a source of pride.

      • Paul says:

        I don’t understand how you could say that. It is obvious that your ability to write disqualifies you from significantly below average intelligence. Or am I missing some joke?

  2. Arthur says:

    As time goes on the young idealist move more towards republican for one reason – taxes. Just remember all those hippies that were protesting and fighting the establishment are now running the establishment. I think the biggest swing youll see in the coming elections will be the gen x moving more dem since they are the ones with college, early adult kids who are mostly affected by the repub policies. granted those kids are also being raised by repubs and as the old saying song , you have to be taught, carefully taught

  3. Jonathan Tate says:

    These numbers among under-30 white folks should permanently destroy the centrist Democratic narrative that student loan forgiveness was bad electorally.

    • jason330 says:

      Centrist Democratic narratives are not very easily destroyed. Consider the fact that Bill Clinton’s “A rising tide lifts all boats” is still quoted by centrists Dems.

      • puck says:

        I first heard the rising tide line from Reagan; by Clinton’s time it had been pretty well discredited among Dems (if not within the MSM). I don’t remember hearing it from Clinton.

        Mario Cuomo gave his Tale of Two Cities speech in 1984 (which didn’t include the rising tide phrase, but the speech showed Dems were onto it).

        But Dems didn’t follow up, so twenty-nine years later Obama gave basically the same speech )but with less poetry) calling income inequality “the defining issue of our time.”

        They were both right and still are.

  4. Joe Connor says:

    My 65 plus crowd was only slightly better. Thin the herd! Just not me:)

    • Alby says:

      For many, many years Republicans harvested votes from nursing homes — dementia patients get to vote, you know, and if an orderly is given a few bucks to fill out a clutch of them before getting them signed, well, who’s gonna be the wiser?

      I heard about this for 30 years before they caught a guy in North Carolina doing this (in 2020 IIRC). This is why they screech so much about drop boxes and such — they’re well aware of how easily this can be done because they’ve done it. And they would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t’ve been for those pesky kids.

  5. Alby says:

    An interesting piece by Thom Hartmann that expands on this topic: