Inflation my ass. Voters Simply Don’t Like Republicans and Republicanism

Filed in National by on November 10, 2022

Whereas all the DC-based big dollar, big brained campaign consultants and Chris Coons would have you believe that the path forward is to adopt slightly less mean spirited versions of Republican talking points, actual voters were motivated to vote against Republicans and Republicanism.

In a toss-up district just over the state line Lisa Scheller hammered Susan Wild on inflation and voters said – meh.

Susan Wild
Democratic Party
149,588 votes

Lisa Scheller
Republican Party
144,875 votes
Here is a big brained Democratic consultant, Hillary Rosen, predicting calamity while being flat wrong about what voters want to hear:

She said, “I am not happy, we did not listen to voters in this election and I think we’re going to have a bad night … when voters tell you over and over and over again that they care mostly about the economy, listen to them. Stop talking about democracy being at stake. Voters have told us what they want to hear, and I don’t think Democrats have delivered.

Note that Rosen was nowhere to be found Tuesday night as voters apparently tossed aside the Republicans’ economic message and responded enthusiastically to the Democratic message on Trump, democracy, and abortion.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    My number one issues were election integrity and the economy, that’s why I voted straight D. But the MSM assigned those issues to the Republican basket.

    My motivation to turn out was to oppose fascism, but I don’t think that was a poll question anywhere.

    • Jason330 says:

      It is almost as if the MSM wants the GOP talking points to be true. They certainly seem to be fine with being led around by the nose.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Also, yes. “I care about the economy.” IN NO WAY MEANS “I will be voting for the Republican”.

    I the media being lazy, stupid or corrupt? It doesn’t really matter, I guess.