Defund the “D Triple C”

Filed in National by on November 14, 2022

Take everything you don’t like about the out of touch, centrist, corporate Democratic Party and create an organizations that embodies every toxic impulse of that party and you have the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.


I don’t know everything, but I’ve been hearing basically the same complaints about the DCCC forever. It’s an incumbency protection racket, though some incumbents are more important than others. Fundraising is very much a priority. “Ability to fundraise” being a key thing for choosing new candidates, which means rich guys or people who know lots of rich guys. Certainly lefty candidates are not exactly welcomed. There’s the Dem fetish for a former coptroopnatsec person.

None of these things are precisely wrong – all can be defensible –  it’s more about how much the various dials are turned. Of course it’s going to focus on preserving the jobs of the members. Of course fundraising matters. Can always argue the coptroopnatsec person is more electable.  Everyone loves a former coptroop!

DCCC head Maloney muscling out Mondaire Jones in his district, leading to both of them losing… Well that’s sort of synthesis of all the bad impulses

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Paul says:

    I have loathed the DCCC for a long time.

  2. “DCCC head Maloney muscling out Mondaire Jones in his district, leading to both of them losing… Well that’s sort of synthesis of all the bad impulses.”

    With Maloney immediately blaming AOC for his defeat because, you know, crime in NYC:

    “The last time I ran into A.O.C., we were beating her endorsed candidate two to one in a primary, and I didn’t see her one minute of these midterms helping our House majority. So, I’m not sure what kind of advice she has, but I’m sure she’ll be generous with it.

    But let’s be clear, she had almost nothing to do with what turned out to be a historic defense of our majority. Didn’t pay a dollar of dues. Didn’t do anything for our frontline candidates except give them money when they didn’t want it from her.

    There are other voices who should be heard, especially when suburban voters have clearly rejected the ideas that she’s most associated with, from defunding the police on down. She’s an important voice in our politics. But when it comes to passing our agenda through the Congress, or standing our ground on the political battlefield, she was nowhere to be found.”