A Guest Post By Senator Tom Carper

Filed in National by on August 13, 2007

First off, ease up on the name calling. I am a US Senator and can have your headless body dumped in a Rio de Janeiro landfill within 48 hours. Seriously.

Secondly, just because Republicans have done all they can to destroy our country and shred our constitution, and I happen to think Democrats should back down and take it does not mean I’m not a Democrat.

I mean, I’m sick of the Republicans too. But I think the way forward is to compromise. For example, I’m glad that we Democrats allowed the recent Bush wiretapping bill to pass.

You may call it a surrender, and say that it represented the worst political instincts of the Democratic party. But I say it is “keeping our powder dry” for when President Bush really gets out of line.

The DLC is determined to keep our powder so dry that it will be the driest substance in the freaking universe. Right now our DLC powder is a hundred billion times drier than chalk and I think it can be drier still.

You just don’t understand the value of extremely super dry power. If you did you would not call me an a-hole.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. heh, this is the first laugh I had all day long.

  2. Liberalgeek says:


  3. Chris says:

    The first signs of liberal meltdown. When they have to invent things to complain about and create fake posts to ramp themselves up.

    Its ok guys. You can’t help being wrong. You will just have to learn to cope with it.

  4. jason330 says:

    Satire. Google it.


  5. anon says:

    In addition to being a whimp when it comes to standing up to Republicans, Carper is also lobbyist wet dream.

    WASHINGTON – MasterCard Inc. paid Johnson, Madigan, Peck, Boland & Stewart $140,000 in the first half of 2007 to lobby the federal government, according to a disclosure form.

    The firm lobbied on credit card legislation, data security, Internet gambling and online sales of prescription drugs and tobacco, according to the form posted online Thursday by the Senate’s public records office.

    Jonathan Jones, former chief of staff to Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., was among those registered to lobby on behalf of Purchase, N.Y.-based company.

    Oh, my former chief of staff just got $140,000 from mastercard, that does not mean I’m a whore or anything. I promise to vote my conscience.

  6. kavips says:

    Based on today’s evidence, such as news stories, television coverage of live events, and the stuff circulating around on the internet, the proper response to Chris’s satire would be simply to say that it looks like the world is in dire need of liberal leadership…..

    As is said daily on Reading rainbow, don’t take my word on it.t…..

  7. Tyler Nixon says:

    Tom Carper is a perfect example of the DC-centric politics of paternalism and self-importance that effectively gut real discourse…we’ve heard the line before from the DLC ilk, back in the Clinton era : “we have to let the “grown-ups” run the show”.

    Well, the “grown-ups” are nothing but frauds, masquerading behind so-called “bipartisanship”.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    Come Chris – make some football picks for us….so I can win some cash just by picking the opposite. 🙂

  9. Dana says:

    When I lived in Delaware, I voted for Senator Roth — despite the fact that he passed out in the middle of the campaign — and Tom Carper has proved that my vote was the right one!

    Of course, ya’ll voted for Ruth Minner, possibly the ugliest woman alive, to be Governess, so there’s even more evidence about the failings of Delaware voters! 🙂

  10. Disbelief says:

    “Of course, ya’ll voted for Ruth Minner….”

    We Delawereens might not be smart, but we’re not.