DL Open Thread Wednesday December 14 2022

Filed in National by on December 14, 2022
McCarthy can be speaker only if he promises the Freedom Caucus that he will perform his duties with a cocked gun pressed to his temple.  

Kevin McCarthy Still Wants to Be Speaker for Some Reason

The House Republican Conference is still entrenched in an internal war over whether to reinstate an arcane rule that would empower any member to bring up a vote to oust a speaker at any time.

The bitter divide is only heating up and has emerged center stage in House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy’s quest for 218 votes to win the position. For McCarthy’s backers, the so-called motion to vacate is seen as little more than a promise of hostage taking, a tool that could be used by the right flank to hamstring McCarthy’s ability to lead the conference and effectively govern.

Good. Now Do Roe v Wade & Gun Safety

WASHINGTON (AP) — A celebratory crowd of thousands bundled up on a chilly Tuesday afternoon to watch President Joe Biden sign gay marriage legislation into law, a joyful ceremony that was tempered by the backdrop of an ongoing conservative backlash over gender issues.

“This law and the love it defends strike a blow against hate in all its forms,” Biden said on the South Lawn of the White House. “And that’s why this law matters to every single American.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Nancy Willing says:

    Watching Paul Baumbach’s coffee meeting online this morning with guest Dept of Elections Commissioner prompted another call to Patrick Jackson about the Citizen for Thoughtful Government LLC campaign finance report being illegal.

    Expenditures over $33K were reported but NOT the SOURCE OF the FUNDS. Jackson agreed it is not legal to not report names of donors etc. and he sent an email of inquiry to the Treasurer as we spoke. I will give it a few more weeks and call back for the update.


  2. bamboozer says:

    “What is stopping Ron DeSantis from announcing a run for president?”.
    Perhaps it’s a realization that what he has done in Florida is a rather bad joke that will not translate to victory in the rest of the country. Despite the best efforts of the Republicans Fascism remains a hard sell in most of the country, Florida and Texas excepted.

  3. Arthur says:

    “… lead the conference and effectively govern.” the GOP hasnt governed in YEARS

  4. puck says:

    Federal Reserve is resolutely determined to keep raising interest rates until a bunch of you lose your jobs.