Your Liberal Media: CBS lying with numbers

Filed in National by on August 14, 2007

According to a new CBS News poll 61% of Americans want US troops out of Iraq and 61% say the surge is either not working or making matters worse. That is big news right? The Republicans are all wrong on Iraq, so the liberal media would be all over that right?

Wrong. Take a look at how the “liberal media” plays it:

Poll: Americans More Optimistic On Surge

(CBS) According to a new CBS News poll, Americans have become somewhat more optimistic about the impact of the troop surge in Iraq. The poll, released Monday, shows that 29 percent of respondents now believe that the surge is having a positive impact, an increase of 10 percentage points from last month.

Fifteen percent of Americans say the surge is making the situation worse, and 46 percent say it is having no impact either way, according to the poll.

A majority of Americans remain pessimistic about the direction of the war in general. Just 29 percent say the U.S. efforts to bring stability and order to Iraq are going well, while more than two-thirds say those efforts are going badly.

You see? The surge is working!!! Yee ha….

You have to read all the way down AND do the math to figure out that six out of ten Americans think Michael Castle and George Bush are dead wrong.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. Chris says:

    But trending toward supporting the surge. I think a 10% change is SIZEABLE in a month. But since that doesn’t play into your view…then I guess it isn’t. Yes, 61% are still against it, but the point is that is less than it used to be.

    Sorry. I know it bothers you when people start getting optimistic. Doesn’t play into liberalism too well.

  2. jason330 says:

    I love optimisism – but I’m not optimistic that the MSM will stop taking the GOP spin on the war.

  3. Dave says:

    61% say the surge is not working?

    How could they possibly know?

  4. jason330 says:

    Sometimes the truth leaks out.


  5. Disbelief says:

    For that matter, Dave, how could you know?

  6. Dave says:

    “For that matter, Dave, how could you know?”

    I couldn’t possibly, because I’m not there.

  7. Disbelief says:

    Were you there when Protack allegedly mailed the pink post cards?

  8. jason330 says:

    It’s getting hot in here.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    This shit is soooo depressing!