If this Trans Rights Map Holds Up, Biden Wins by 2 EC Votes

Filed in National by on January 7, 2023

I plotted the states with Trans Protections vs Trans Antagonism on the Electoral College map and if Trans views correspond to Presidential preference, Joe Biden holds a very narrow lead.


Erin Reed is a researcher, mother, content creator, activist, writer and a transwoman who works “to achieve gender justice for queer and marginalized people through education and understanding.”

The Anti-Trans legislative map that Reed has been working on reveals the breadth and depth of the legal and extralegal threat to trans people and their communities. Reed writes, “This map helps you determine the likelihood your state will pass anti-trans legislation in the next two years. If you are moving or looking to move, or make other decisions, please use this map!”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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