Senator Chris Coons will be able to find middle ground with the GOPers who want to blow up the world economy and burn down the Republic

Filed in National by on January 11, 2023

Burn down half of the Republic?   Explode just western hemisphere’s economy?

Don’t worry. He is a ver smart Yale educated theologian who can order his servants around in flawless Swahili. 

Chaos Agents

I don’t think the Tea Party era nutters had all that much of an evil plan, but you could basically identify them with your laundry list of standard Republican evil. I’m not saying they had no interest in actually doing stuff, but they, too, mostly just enjoyed the attention. They were the main characters of reality.

But when the right people called them up and said “don’t blow up the economy,” they listened. I’m not sure the current crew will. They like showing off for the teevee, and the also like burning things down.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    The collapse of the US economy will get stellar ratings.