Wingnuts In a Tizzy Over Biden to Iraq Story

Filed in National by on August 17, 2007

Man, nothing brings out the freaks like a story that puts Beau or Joe Biden in a slightly favorable light. Today’s story about Beau being deployed to Iraq caused our own Chris to “triple post” and the possibility of being shown up by a Biden is causing a wingnut orgy of craziness over that the News Journal story chat.

I think they are having some kind of feedback loop metldown [ezzrtp…beep.zzstt…DOES NOT COMPUTE….DOES NOT COMPUTE….zzzst…]because on the one hand they “support the troops” but one the other hand they hate all things Biden. Check out these first few comments from the News Journal story chat:


I guess Mr. Biden will be able to go prosecute soldiers who watch dirty movies on the internet for the JAG corps. I’m sure his father will figure out how to call him back to DC for hearings every two or three month too.


It is however unfortunate that Mr Biden is a member of a party that wants defeat in Iraq and will try to do whatever they can to make us fail for their own political gains. The Democratic party makes me sick and they should all be ashamed of themselves.


…if he does choose to go them I respect him for that but we both know he will see no action, his tour will be to fulfill legal needs and give advice, SAD WE CAN`T SEND MINNER TO IRAQ, she`d be great as a soldier with her ability to hide under rocks and what knot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This headline should read, ” little bo’ must go to Iraq, big joe to use as political gain”.



And by the way I scopped the News Journal by about three hours. Just sayin.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. oedipa maas says:

    Another episode of the wingnut chestnut of supporting the troops unless they are Democrats. And not ONE of them has enough self-awareness to see the quite spectacular ignorance of denigrating a soldier not of your party for doing a thing that they won’t do — join up and support the war they so badly wanted in the only way that matters. But I guess they aren’t called Keyboard Kommandos for nuthin’.

    And while I am at it, no one here knows what young Biden is going to do in Iraq, but you should be aware that JAGs are as likely to be embedded close to a field commander as he is to be in a rear Justice office. We all talk about Iraq as a war, but it acts more like an occupation and JAGs are advising commanders not just on issues of military justice ( our guys and the combatants) but also on the full range of administrative issues that are inherent in an occupation.

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    I have no doubt that somewhere in DC phone calls are being made and conversations are being held about swifting-boating Beau should he ever list his military service on his political resume in a future election campaign.

  3. oedipa maas says:

    You are likely right, but bet you would not have to go as far as DC for the plans for swift-boating.

  4. Chris says:

    Hello! Accused of triple posting (all complete separate thoughts thank you), but any chance you noticed that I did NOT denegrate Beau Biden for his service? Whether his is a footsoldier or a lawyer, I respect him for serving, regardless of his political beliefs.

    But I guess that doesn’t count, because I don’t fit your perfect little template.