Memo To The Following: Return The BobbyByrd/Norfolk Southern Blood Money

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 10, 2023

I’m occasionally a reasonable person.  I will assume that Bobby Byrd delivered these checks along with all the other checks he bundled from his clients, and that you didn’t discern the difference.  Until proven otherwise.  Besides, you received these checks before the recent spate of derailments. So, no harm/no foul.   Unless you don’t return the Norfolk Southern $$’s your campaign received. You all know that Bobby Byrd is easy to find.  You might be well-advised to return the $$’s before Delaware is the victim of the next inevitable toxic rail accident featuring this woefully-under-regulated company.  By you, I mean you:

Nnamdi Chukwuocha:  $500-Primary

Stephanie Bolden: $750-How’s that even legal? It was recorded on her 30-day primary report.  Another $250 on her general election report.

Kendra Johnson: $250-General

Deb Heffernan: $500-Primary

Val Longhurst: $800-General  Doesn’t that exceed the legal donation limit?

Franklin Cooke: $250-General

Melissa Minor-Brown: $500-General

Ed Osienski: $500-General

Sarah McBride: $250-General

David Sokola: $250-General

Jack Walsh: $500-General

Bryan Townsend: $600-General

Nicole Poore: $500-General

I have limited my search to the 2022 election cycle, and I only researched legislators.

Hey, I have to live something not unlike a life.  I invite any and all of the above legislators to let us know if/when you return these contributions.  That’s what the comment section is for.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Gee, it’s every bodies favorite bribe conduit Bobby Byrd hard at work yet again. Delaware doesn’t need K Street, we’ve got Bobby Byrd. Ever notice how the blatant corruption just goes on and on and is never addressed? We talk about Washington and bad government, suggest we take a look in the mirror as we are little different.

  2. Doug says:

    Ok so…. What pac donation is acceptable? For the most part, all money that politicians take has some kind of payback associated with it. As for Bobby, he does good at the job he does, it’s a business

    • Some candidates accept no PAC money.

      I’d at least draw the line at taking money from PAC’s that cause harm to people, the environment, and society in general.

      In this case, we’ve learned after the fact of Norfolk-Southern’s disregard for the safety of people who live near their tracks. Which is why I hope these legislators will return the $$’s.

      ‘Bobby’ does a good job at representing organizations who have to pay to get bad policy enacted. Not someone to admire, IMO.

    • Alby says:

      Jesus, Doug, do you suck every non-progressive dick that comes through the glory hole?

      • Doug says:

        I have out a ton of pac money on behalf of the organization I represented and not one time did a legislator, school board candidate or other office seeker ever consider returning it !! I guess we were thought of as a “good for the nation” group. Lol

        • Alby says:

          Wanna try that again so it’s readable?

          And if you represent some special interest, the door is over there. Do us a favor and use it.

  3. Paul says:

    What is happening? Money delivered, votes collected. Where is the consent of the governed, purportedly the ONLY basis for holding power. Money does/does not change the basic principles? Thanks for tipping me off to Bobby Byrd. I imagine Dover is inhabited by many denizens like him.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Comment Of The Day To Alby! Honorable mention “Bulo.