Highlands Bunker Podcast – RISE Delaware (w/ Karen Peterson)

Filed in National by on March 10, 2023

Is your blood in need of boiling? If so listen to Karen Peterson break down how John Carney and his posse of the putrescent worked to fuck over Delaware retirees.  

Former State Senator Karen Peterson joins Rob in the bunker to talk about the state’s attempts to privatize Medicare for public sector retirees and how RISE Delaware has been working to push back.

Show Notes:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    As I listened I wondered if BHL’s hands would be as habitually tied as John Carey’s. Would Matt’s?

    Who is will to overturn Carney’s privatization of Medicare seems like it would be a live campaign issue.

    • john kowalko says:

      It will absolutely be my main focus issue if anyone values my endorsement/support or sphere of influence.
      John Kowalko

    • john kowalko says:

      The first candidate to publicly state that they will move on from Sec. Geisenberger will get my full attention.
      John Kowalko

  2. Hawkeye says:

    As a registered democrat I am outraged that a democratically controlled state with a huge budget surplus, which continually announces new programs would betray retired state employees. I have emailed numerous state legislators and members of the executive branch and can count on one hand the number of replies I have received. My local representative is MIA. If the state wants to save money how about reducing the number of legislators. There are districts were there is not opposition candidate and the voter turnout is abysmal. Those districts need to be eliminated and merged with more competitive ones. One last thought, how does the House elect as leader an individual that comes from the most conservative county in the state?

  3. puck says:

    Heard state employees are being given push-poll type surveys from their managers asking which benefit cuts they prefer, for example cut tuition reimbursement, or cut family health coverage. “No cuts” is not an option on the poll.