Castle’s New Take on Economic Recovery

Filed in National by on February 18, 2009

What a predictable jerk.  Now he is preparing himself a place in the photo op next to Carper.  (STILL NO TOWN HALL MEETINGS BY THE WAY!)

Press Release after the jump.

CASTLE: HOPEFUL Federal aid will turn Delaware jobs and economic trends

Pledges to Work Closely with Delaware Delegation, Ensure Delaware Receives Full Potential from Legislation

Wilmington, DE– Today, following the Delegation press conference in regard to the Economic Stimulus Package, Rep. Castle issued the following statement.

“I recognize that Delawareans, and people around the country are hurting,” said Rep. Castle. “Last week, I opposed HR 1, not because I opposed a stimulus to the American people, but because the contents surpassed a targeted attempt at economic stabilization. It extended funds to projects far outside job creation and protecting people in need- many of which I believed should have gone through the standard Congressional review process. I remain concerned with the fact that every dollar in this bill is borrowed.  In fact, with interest, this stimulus package will add far more than $1 trillion to our already trillion dollar deficit.”

“However, the stimulus has now become law and I am hopeful that it will ease some of the economic challenges facing our state, and the nation. Delaware will certainly benefit from the assistance in the short term- both through the immediate infrastructure projects presented by the Governor’s Office and through direct aid to those who struggle most. As always, I remain committed to working with the Congressional Delegation and the Governor, to ensure that Delawareans receive the full benefit from this legislation.

“Looking forward, our focus in Congress, and in state government, must turn to long-term productivity growth– which must translate to research and development to drive innovation to create new, permanent jobs and industries.  I do hope this stimulus bill will meet many of our short-term needs, but a roadmap for driving our nation’s long-term economic success remains overdue.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    a roadmap for driving our nation’s long-term economic success remains overdue.”

    How long did this guy sit on the House Financial Services Committee?

  2. jason330 says:

    Bottom Line:

    Renewable energy jobs – Castle voted NO
    Highway Bulding jobs – Castle voted NO
    Water Managment jobs – Castle voted NO
    Teachers & Schools – Castle voted NO
    Helping unemployed with interest on loans – Castle voted NO
    Rebulding affordable housing – Castle voted NO
    Child Support Enforcement – Castle voted NO
    Helping Seniors and Vets – Castle voted NO

    NOW he is setting himself up for credit when the money comes in.

  3. nemski says:

    Jason, where’s the Ledbetter Act?

  4. jason330 says:

    Fair treatment for women in the workforce – Castle voted NO!

  5. xstryker says:

    There’s that word again. “However…” Captain Jellospine does it again.

  6. John Feroce says:

    “Last week, I opposed HR 1, not because I opposed a stimulus to the American people, but because the contents surpassed a targeted attempt at economic stabilization.”

    Nothing wrong with that.

    They could have continued to work through the weekend (while Obama was at his expensive Valentine’s dinner in Chicago and Pelosi could have skipped her boondoggle to Rome) and made a better bill (or at least be able to read it before they voted on it).

    Good for him for voting NO.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Someone should make a scarlet “NO!” and tag it to his massive ear.

  8. anon says:

    He can’t even get the name of the bill right. He calls it the “Economic Stimulus Package” instead of ARRA.

    What’s next – references to his colleagues in “the Democrat Party?”

  9. jason330 says:

    The word “however” appears 215 times on Castle’s web site.

    to give a context the word: liberty appears 136 times.

  10. pandora says:

    Talk about having your cake and eating it, too! He should stand by his vote. Hey, he should advocate what Jindal is threatening to do – not take the money!

  11. cassandra m says:

    Jindal is posturing. Like the majority of them, he is not so much interested in the business of principle as he is in how much cable TV time he gets. And he’ll get on TV and tell the world that he didn’t say what he so very obviously did.

    And Castle is posturing too. He had no intention of representing his constituents, so he makes a claim for unargued package faults, but now he is delighted to know that Delawareans will be getting some of the deal.

    If we find Castle at the ribbon cutting for any of the projects for this thing, we really need to get someone there to ask him why he is taking credit for a thing he voted against.

  12. junkyard dog says:

    You know, in Markell’s original presser about it, Castle wasn’t mentioned as one of the invited
    Congressional Delegation…I guess Carper insisted he be allowed to share the stage even though the fucker didn’t vote for the booty.

  13. pandora says:

    Agreed, Cassandra, Jindal is full of it. Just like Castle – all bark, no bite.

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    Jindal and Castle are exactly the same. They are both political opportunists, only their constituencies have different views.