DL Open Thread Monday April 10 2023

Filed in National by on April 10, 2023

Hey There!  

All April we are asking you to join (or supporting with a recurring donation) one of these organizations that is doing good work as a proxy for joining or donating to Delaware Liberal.

Working Families Party

Highlands Bunker 

Claymont Food Closet 

Friendship House 

Creative Vision Factory

Speaking of the Highlands Bunker, there is a new one out.   Its good but now I’m really looking forward to the Fox News/Dominion Voting trial coverage. 

Christina School Board candidate Doug Danger Manley joins Rob in the bunker to talk about some of the things that are (literally) broken in Delaware education and his priorities in running for school board. Then, a preview of some more upcoming trial coverage.

Show Notes:

This is sickening on many levels.  One of those levels is knowing that  Texas Gov Greg Abbott is Tucker Carlson’s prison bitch.  

On this date in 1970 Paul McCartney officially announces the split of The Beatles. And on April 10th 1869 Congress increases number of Supreme Court judges from 7 to 9.

Having promised a ten year balanced budget, McCarthy is truly fucked

Simmering tensions among House Republicans flared anew over the weekend, following a New York Times report that detailed how Kevin McCarthy’s (R., Calif.) bitterly contested speakership battle has undermined his confidence in colleagues.

While it took McCarthy a historic 15 ballots to secure the position through January’s chaos and infighting, the speaker reportedly remains particularly frustrated by certain Republicans — including Jodey Arrington (R., Texas) and Steve Scalise (R., La.), the budget committee chairman and House majority leader, respectively.

“Mr. McCarthy has told colleagues he has no confidence in Mr. Arrington, the man responsible for delivering a budget framework laying out the spending cuts that Republicans have said they will demand in exchange for any move to increase the debt limit,” Jonathan Swan and Annie Karni wrote in the Times. McCarthy still regards Arrington, who sought to nominate Scalise during the speakership balloting, “as incompetent, according to more than half a dozen people familiar with this his thinking,” the Times revealed.

A Note to Breathless Conservatives: Bill Clinton Was Almost Indicted in 2001, But He Cut a Deal

…First, fuck yeah, indict presidents. Presidents should be scared of committing crimes. As just about everyone sane has said, if we had prosecuted Nixon, if we had prosecuted Reagan, if we had prosecuted W. Bush, this shit might not be happening. We pretend to be this grand and glorious nation of laws but we want to act like a president is a fucking king except for the inconvenience of elections. Absolutely indict criminals. And people who committed crimes that they’re hiding shouldn’t run for president because that’s just dumb. Or Trump. It’s hard to separate those two words.
You’ll notice I left Bill Clinton out of that list of prosecution-worthy presidents. It’s not because I think he shouldn’t have been indicted for perjury. He obviously committed it. It’s because everyone has fucking forgotten one fact:
They were about to indict Clinton in 2001 when he cut a deal to avoid it.
You got that? When Bill Clinton was at the very end of his presidency, as a result of the Whitewater investigation, the independent counsel, who was then Robert Ray after Kenneth Starr finally got the fuck out, was looking to indict Clinton for perjury about that blow job from Monica Lewinsky. If it had gone forward, Bill Clinton would have been an ex-president when he was indicted. If he had raged and blustered about it being untrue and told everyone to go fuck themselves with their perjury, he would have been indicted. As an ex-president. Trump could have cut a deal a long time ago, but he didn’t go the Clinton route because he refuses to ever say he’s wrong because he’s a tiny-pricked ego monster.
See, Clinton gave up his law license in Arkansas for five years and paid a $25,000 fine, and he admitted he made false statements about the blow job. And then the whole investigation was closed with a report that pissed off a lot Clinton haters, but that pointed out how much Clinton was actually punished, including an $850k settlement with Paula Jones (google her – I don’t feel like going into all that) and a $90,000 fine for contempt of court.

Easter Messages:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    I did not have this on my Easter weekend bingo card:

    Dalai Lama apologises after video asking boy to ‘suck my tongue’

  2. The thing about that Texas killer–he went to that rally just LOOKING for somebody to shoot. His social media clearly shows his intent.

    • Alby says:

      The man he killed also was armed. This is the problem with the “more guns” argument: Doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong, somebody’s dead.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    w r.t. Dominion v Fox – no local angle, but it’s fixing to be a first class press event with gaggles, razzle dazzle & everything in between.

    If we get Tucker in the Bunker it’s patrons only I can promise that much.

  4. ScarletWoman says:

    The humorous possibilities inherent in just those four words — Tucker in the Bunker — are pretty astronomical. But I’m thinking on a more metaphysical level. Would it be like matter and anti-matter colliding? What happens if you welcome a beast into the belly of the beast?